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tips for removing a broken shifter cable

so, i've got these alivio SL-M410 trigger shifters, and the 8-speed one had the cable break inside the bloody shifter itself. i've taken it apart about as much as seems "legal", and there is just a tiny bit stuck inside there, frayed to high hell. (edited to add: i did manage to get it into the appropriate gear for cable removal.) i need to somehow get it out of there in order to install the new cable. i have been trying poking it out with an old cable or a paper clip, but it doesn't seem to want to budge. anyone have any tips for removal?

replacing the shifter would be an extreme last resort. it's not expensive, but it would involve a lot more work than could be considered feasible. the clamp doesn't seem like it can possibly open enough to get off the handlebar, and the grips are glued on. additionally, i would probably want to get bar end shifters if i'm getting new shifters, and that's a-whole-nother can of worms.

2012-10-14 18:24:51

Free Ride has used shimano trigger shifters out of the wazoo I you end up having to replace yours.

2012-10-14 19:05:57

A blast of compressed air perhaps? Let me know if you need a hand.

2012-10-15 02:51:55

Grab a magnet first and get most of the shards out of there first. I *hate* getting stabbed by frayed cables.

2012-10-15 03:48:29

I've had this problem with a DA 7800 right shifter. The last time it happened a friend helped - one of us poked at the broken cable with a sharpened spoke while the other stood ready with needle nose pliers to grab the end when it pushed out of the shifter slightly.

2012-10-16 15:32:13

Tweezers? Maybe helped out with a pair of pliers around the tweezers to "tweeze" a little harder?

2012-10-16 17:04:02

Stainless steel aircraft safety wire (.028) might work well. It is much firmer than a piece of cable and can be formed better than a spoke to get into odd locations. I have a spool of it if you want to ride over to the shop.

2012-10-16 18:08:25

I sure hope you guys come up with a solution, because when you google "changing cable sl-m410" this thread is the top thing that comes up! :D

2012-10-16 18:19:37

Google personalizes searches now from data in your browsing history. :)

2012-10-16 18:25:29

have you tried dousing cleaner in there, that always seems to help any problem I have with older shifters.

2012-10-16 19:20:28

Would it be possible to post a photo of the condition? I am fascinated by this.

2012-10-16 20:40:39

i'll check later if i can take a good enough photo of it. i haven't tried anything on it since sunday. just riding a different bike.

2012-10-16 20:57:40