Make a year end gift to BikePGH today!

Join the movement.

Help us amplify the voices bicyclists and pedestrians

Bike Pittsburgh works to transform Pittsburgh’s streets to safe, vibrant, inviting places to bike and walk. With your support we can make Pittsburgh’s streets safe for everyone.

Make a tax-deductible donation to BikePGH and invest in safer streets across Pittsburgh and throughout the region.

Though small, our staff of committed advocates has had an striking impact in the region. Here are just a few things we accomplished in the past year:

  • Celebrated the successful installation and opening of Pittsburgh first three protected bike lanes.
  • Advocated for the addition of new bike racks across the city including 35 racks in the Strip District.
  • Held our 10th annual BikeFest and celebrated of all things bicycling in Pittsburgh.
  • Aided many community groups and bike-ped organizations in communicating with the government agencies to achieve their goals for more walkable, bikeable communities.
  • Brought our Drive With Care awareness campaign to drivers with over 100 bus ads and billboards throughout the city.
  • Launched an on-the-bike education program, City Cycling, and brought classes to seven neighborhoods including Lawrenceville, Central Northside, East Liberty, and the South Side.

Now is our chance.

The wheels of change are in motion, and with your support, we will build on this momentum into 2015! Invest in making Pittsburgh a safer place for you, your friends, and your community to bike and walk.

Thanks for joining us in striving for a more bikeable, walkable Pittsburgh!

twitter-bird-logo-squareAlready made your year end donation to Bike Pittsburgh? We can’t thank you enough! Let your friends that you have chosen to support safer streets in Pittsburgh by sending a tweet.

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