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Get Rich or Die Mayan Ride 12/11/12

Meets at the Point under the bridge. It looks to be a short ride to celebrate "the end of the world". Ends at OTB. I don't know the ride leader, so I don't know the intended speed.. I thought I would post it here for people who may be interested but not on FB.

2012-12-11 11:22:28

Thanks, StefB! Got a link to the FB listing?

2012-12-11 12:17:27

When does the ride start?

I'm blocked from facebook at work.

If it's a short ride starting real early, I'll try to be there. The Mayan apocalypse could use a(nother) menorah.

2012-12-11 13:13:30


A bike ride celebrating the end o' the world as we know it (and I feel fine).

The INTERNET lists both the dates 12/12 and 12/21 as the end to this lovely world of ours. Though I've more often heard 12/21, I think more people will be in town around the 12th. On some obscure site it said that it will end at 6AM on the 12, so that's why it'll be on the 11th!

We will meet under the bridge at Point State Park @ 7PM (the one that separates the front of the point from the back), and we will end at OTB whenever we finish.

Dress warmly and for wet weather, we'll go rain or snow or hail or shine or tsunami or ... end of the world as we know it.

**Route Link:**

2012-12-11 13:31:01

I'm pretty sure the end is supposed to be 12/21, not today.

2012-12-11 13:33:27

as the post says, sources vary; she's a college student & guessed many other students would be away for the holiday by the 21st, so she picked the one that people were going to be around for.

The organizer is a friend of mine, and was on the last Flock ride. I'd expect a similar pace, perhaps a little faster depending on who shows up.

2012-12-11 14:48:57

Chalk it up to that one of those Mayans had dyslexia, so maybe it was the 21st, maybe it was the 12th.

Don't matter, the ride's tonight, and it's gonna be hard to ride if there's no world to ride it on, so better get it in while the getting's good.

2012-12-11 15:49:00

Yeah. I should've read more carefully before posting, but it does indeed make sense to choose the earliest date.

2012-12-11 16:03:19

no trailer means a potential increase in average speed.

i was hoping this started closer to oakland, home from work @ 6:30, get changed & get down to the point by 7 is going to be "fun".

2012-12-11 16:04:59

Hey, just a reminder that the pavement in the vicinity of the Point State Park underpass/bridge was recently sealed, and has been reported to be VERY SLICK, especially when wet.

A local rider recently fell when approaching this area from the North Shore bridge, and broke his hip when his bike slid out from under him.

Move slowly and be alert for ice like conditions in this area.

2012-12-11 17:44:14

There were two orange traffic comes set up near that area that said "slow".. They seemed to not be there on Friday though when I went through.

2012-12-11 18:03:23

they werent there this afternoon either. and the surface was still pretty slick with the leftover rain sitting on it.

2012-12-11 19:19:05

This was a fun ride. Thanks for posting it here or I wouldnt have known about it.

2012-12-12 04:19:21

Good ride. Glad I made it out.

2012-12-12 14:35:35

@ stef

"the end of the world". Ends at OTB.

It's nice to know where the end will be.

2012-12-12 16:29:46