I had to make a brief errand into Downtown yesterday, and took Second Avenue instead of the jail trail, between Technology Drive and Ross Street. In and back. Why, I don't know.
Mgawd, what a horrible piece of road!
Setting aside the cement trucks and people going 15 over the posted 35, the pavement is what kills it for me. It's plenty wide enough, but there are enough holes, cracks and patches to seriously test the strength of both your frame and your spine.
Close to town, between Ross Street and the 10th Street Bridge, on-street parking forces cyclists just far enough out that we are right on top of the longitudinal split between two slabs of concrete. It is not possible to ride on it. To the right, you're in a very active door zone. To the left, you're in moving traffic.
Brighton Road on the NSide is similar, but it's a lot less busy.
Adding insult to potential injury, I did not see a single sign outbound that might direct cyclists to the trailhead.