Wow. So she was just going to sit in the car and lose it? Weird. Well, good work.
A funny thing, on my commute tonight.
Coming up West Liberty Ave, I see smoke, and smell something burning. A big SUV was turned onto a side street, between two car dealers. I came upon the car, looked in the tinted window, and saw the driver bent over the steering wheel, crying, trying to use her phone. I opened the door, took her arm, and helped her away from the car to sit down. As soon as I pass the front of the car (and they can see that the driver is a very pretty mid-20's female) the floodgates opened, and no fewer than eight guys came out to help. No one for the nearly 3 minutes from when I saw the car until I got there, but all of a sudden, the army arrived. The good news is, she's fine, the car just seemed to be overheating, and with all of that help, I could get back on the bike and still get home by dark!
Cool! Just imagine article in PPG (or other mass media): "Bicyclist saved SUV driver!"
there would still be comments about how we need to stay off the road and it was probably the cyclist fault that girl was in need of assistance
That engine was probably on fire because the driver had to swerve to miss the 53 cyclists who ran the red light in front of her. Then she started crying because the cyclists subsequently held back the electric car and made Steve Gutenberg a star.
damn you Gutenberg!