So, I recently got back to Pittsburgh from a trip to Montreal, a city that - despite it's brutal eight month long winters - has an absolutely amazing network of both on-street bike lanes (including protected ones separated by curbs and bollards on busy streets) and off-street bike paths.
The freedom from the stress and terror that we seem to have to deal with as urban cyclists here made for a nice vacation, but also got me thinking about how poor Pittsburgh's cycling infrastructure is by comparison. Specifically, how our piecemeal, incomplete, water-soluble, from-nowhere-to-nowhere, in-the-door-zone bike lanes are so often held up as harbingers of Pittsburgh's "green" renaissance, but are in fact borderline useless (since they don't serve the basic function of connecting home to work to shopping) and arguably more harm then help (more on that below).
Frankly, I feel like Pittsburgh has bike lanes so that our politicians have something to stand in front of when they want to seem “green” or “hip and young” or whatever. I think that urban cycling's good name is being taken in vain by politicians who don't 'get it' and community development corporations (Oakland, I'm looking at you) who are quick to brag to the press or their funders about their new "green" “cycling improvements” that don't improve cyclists' safety and don't go anywhere.
Two years ago, I was excited to see the bike lanes painted on Liberty Avenue in Laurenceville and Bloomfield; since it connected neighborhoods to shopping and at least pointed Downtown, it seemed like the first acknowledgment that bikes are transportation. But now - years latter - the “sharrows” in Bloomfield have washed away, the most dangerous sections of the Liberty Ave. bike lane are still completely unmarked (40th and Liberty and the intersection of Liberty, Main, and the Bloomfield Bridge) let alone connected to the Strip and Downtown, there's still no legal way to bike between Downtown and Oakland – well, I could go on, but I think you see my point. The only bike lanes that are even on the drawing board as far as I know are designed to connect parks in the East End of town.
To me, that's the City yelling “we don't get it.” I don't put my bike in my car and drive it to the park on Saturdays. I ride it almost every day to get to the store, to my friends' houses, to almost everywhere I want to go. I do that because I enjoy it, because I give a damn about the environment, because it's less expensive, and because I hate what cars have done to American cities. For doing that, I get yelled at, swerved at, endangered by aggressive drivers, struck by vehicles 50 times larger then me, and treated like an afterthought or an amenity by the City. But worst of all, I have do that while these “green” politicians talk like a half mile bike lane between two parks in residential neighborhoods makes us the Amsterdam of Appalachia.
So, to the Mayor, to the City Council, to the County Executive: if you want me to stop feeling like you use me when you need some green cred and then throw me back into traffic when the cameras are gone, then do some stuff to make biking in Pittsburgh less terrifying. Before you water-color another bike lane:
* Enforce existing laws: namely, the speed limit (which is so wildly ignored in Pittsburgh it would be funny, if I wasn't going to be killed by a car going 60 in a 25), safe passing, and terroristic threats (Seriously. A car can be a deadly weapon, and I get threatened at least once a week. Try biking on Butler St. past the Cemetery) Make sure the Police take the threats seriously.
* Do something about the Port Authority Drivers, they are dangerous. Start with retraining, then enforcement. Be accountable, turn over bike-related complaints against drivers to Bike Pittsburgh.
* Pass a “Cyclists allowed full use of lane: Change lanes to pass” ordnance.
Only after that are bike lanes a useful tool, and then only if they connect home to work to shopping. Bike lanes that don't go anywhere aren't useful, and bike lanes between parks are recreation not transportation - why don't you get that? Those of us with shattered bones, steel pins and scars are paying with our health for streets that could be fixed with paint and signs. It's easy to fix: cities near and far, with similar terrain, with worse climates, with less space have done it.
So why can't I bike between Downtown and Oakland?