Sunday I got back from a round-trip Pgh _DC -Pgh. It was pretty fun. The C&O was wretched in the rain (and after rain), so I took roads through some of Maryland.
I met a guy, Mike Anderson, who is retired and biking from Boonsboro MD to some place in Nebraska on a heavily-loaded 'bent.
Mike is currently holed up in Boston PA with a blown-out high-end Kevlar tire. His plans are to take the Montour trail around Pittsburgh, follow PA bike Route A up to Erie and then some route along Lake Erie. I'm guessing the route is the Adventure Cycling Association Northern Tier route.
Mike asked me to help him find "a way around Cleveland."
I'd judge that he would have been better off to have started from Boonsboro by going south to the BikeCentential Trans-America Route, but he's here now.
Rt A -> Erie -> Northern Tier strikes me as doing two sides of a triangle and hitting a lot more hills than he needs to on a heavy 'bent.
I'm thinking Panhandle trail -> some way across Ohio -> pick up the ACA Underground Railroad route (west of Columbus) -> TransAmerica Route.
Panhandle -> through Ohio to west of Cleveland-> Northern Tier.
Other thoughts I have: are there bike trails though Cleveland? Like there might be through Pittsburgh if they ever complete the Southside-GAP connection? If so, it might be OK to just ride through the city.
Mike has a computer and a blog
Any forum for Ohio, Cleveland, or Columbus areas? (there must be)
Any thoughts you guys have?