What's the date for this meeting?
Action Alert: Hulton Bridge Project
I will not be able to attend this, but it would be great if some cyclists and pedestrians showed up to this:
February 12, 2009
PennDOT and its consultants have initiated engineering and environment studies to address safety and connectivity needs associated with the Hulton Bridge Improvement Project (SR. 2082 Section A08). We encourage cyclists and pedestrians to SHOW UP to this meeting and weigh in on what you need in order to feel safe on this bridge. This is how we make sure our needs as cyclists and pedestrians are addressed.
If you require special assistance to attend or participate in this meeting or need additional information please contact Jennifer Threats ad McCormick Taylor at 412-922-6880.
If you have project related questions, contact Robert Collins, Project Manager at 412-429-4928 or via email at robecollin@state.pa.us.
February 12, 2009
Open House: 5-8PM
Presentation: 6:00PM
Riverview High School, 100 Hulton Rd, Oakmont, PA 15139
sorry bout that. Feb 12.