Idiotic title of course.
I'm a bit stupid about the desire to get there fast (it slightly bothers me when a fit roadie passes me when I'm on my clown bike). I have thought about a fairing occasionally.
But then I remember how much I sweat, and... well, if I had a longer commute and had to shower in the morning 100% of the time anyway maybe, but as is I'm probably better off with a more standard, slightly less efficient setup so I alienate my coworkers less.
Plus, I'm cheap, and probably don't have the time to DIY.
2014-06-03 07:24:40
2014-06-03 07:41:33
Nothing says "I am an experienced cyclist who knows what he is doing" like turkey pan fairing.
2014-06-03 07:52:00
Now why would I want to give the impression that I knew what I was doing to drivers?
If they think that, they'll give me less space because they'll be reasonably confident I'll track straight or at least be aware of stuff coming from behind before lane changes or major lateral repositioning.
I think I'd rather have them scared. Of course, in windy enough conditions, perhaps they (and I) should be. But it's just zip tied on, so you could remove it any time you wanted to if it became a real problem. If I do it, I might add some twine straps on the inside so it could become a (useless) backpack if I had to take it off. Now THAT would look totally pro.
2014-06-03 09:03:08
That turkey pan thing would be awesome for a viking ride... paint a coat of arms on the front!
Maybe even mount a mirror on the inside!
2014-06-03 09:07:26
Most aerodynamics happens behind. A long tadpole butt fairing would be kind of fun.
2014-06-03 11:25:04