about ten years ago when I was diagnosed with every allergy they tested for (grasses, early trees, late tress, milk, eggs, cats, dogs, horses, cockroaches, wheat, dust mites, dust, everything)...
The only drug that helped with everything was zyrtec (not covered by my insurance). The only eye drops that helped with the itching was Patanol (which my insurance stopped covering), absolutely nothing else worked.
Eventually I ran out of sample drugs (they gave me a few months supply out of pity), and ran out of the ability to sequester myself from the planet... The thing that's helped my allergies the most was eliminating the horrible stress I was under and dealing with the stress I was unable to eliminate - and keeping an eye on my nutrition. I'm now mostly ok with everything, unless I do something silly like dust the whole house and eat a huge quiche and mow the lawn and rub my face on kitty tummies all in the same spring day. I live with both cats and dogs, and pretty much ignore all the stuff I was tested for. When my diet goes down hill (god I love sugar) or when my stress gets out of hand, my allergies tend to flare up (which does wonders for my stress, so tricky that).
Good luck!