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"Amazing" moment

To the young woman in the dress with the bike who almost but didn't get in the elevator cab today, Allegheny Building, 429 Forbes, 5:00 pm.;

One woman commented, and the woman who DID get on the elevator described you as "pretty amazing". Not dorky, or nerdy, or treehugger-y. The other 3 women on the elevator concurred.

My black view of humanity is temporarily lifted. Awesome.

Don't tell anyone I told you.

2011-06-08 21:15:38

Eh. I'm more likely to get agitated when people think my commuting is "amazing" or some astonishing feet.

Just had an annoying co-worker comment "I still don't know how you got home that night it snowed." My reply: "I just put my feet down on the pedals"

2011-06-08 21:22:32

I'm certain to get agitated when I read really cool posts get urinated on by really cranky posts. Loved the story, edmonds. Pierce's, not so much.

2011-06-08 21:36:13

I thought this was going to be like a "missed connection" thing... or maybe it was.

2011-06-08 21:37:17

Edmonds, which floor?

2011-06-08 22:33:22

@ALMKLM Maybe other daily commuters feel differently (Edmonds perhaps?) but the novelty? of having others see my actions as "amazing" wears off pretty quickly

The higher pedestal they put us on, the less likely they are to join us, even if they don't describe us with negative connotations

I'm tired of ho-hum people going about their 9-5 grind and saying "Whoa, that's amazing!"

2011-06-08 22:56:56

I think it's cool. At least the way the story comes off, they were amazed in an impressed way. Who knows maybe they will try biking for transportation sometime now that they've seen it done with grace and style.

When someone looks at an average commute as some "amazing" feat of human accomplishment that they can't relate to, maybe that would get annoying.

2011-06-08 23:07:35

I'm tired of ho-hum people going about their 9-5 grind and saying "Whoa, that's amazing!?

At the risk of sounding hopelessly out of touch, what is a ho-hum person, and why should we not be pleased that someone with a 9-5 job thinks cycling to work is inspiring?

"That's amazing, I could never do that!" is a great conversation starter to lead into "Sure you's how you do it."

"Ho-hum, another cyclist...whatever!" seems an attitude less likely to result in positive change.

2011-06-08 23:08:58

Yeah, sorry for semi-hijacking another thread with my crankiness.

My own perceptions have filtered through again... I was described today to a new semi-coworker as "riding his bike from Philadelphia" to work

I've never ridden a bike with a dress though, so I cannot comment on it's amazingness. I did think the dress ride was cool though and regret not participating in it.

2011-06-08 23:11:43

I'll hold off on comments on riding in a dress for a second, and simply say that on several occasions recently, I've ridden into and back out of town wearing a white shirt and a necktie. I make sure to carry my helmet in hand and comb my hair as soon as I'm parked and locked. It's more than a fashion statement, it's a (possibly not-so-) subtle message that "Hey, I did this, you can do it, too!"

As to riding in a dress, that truly *was* a fashion statement. I got people's attention, I stopped to talk, they could see that while my choice of fashion was loony, that I was a sensible person, out to make a point, and more importantly, have fun! Sure, I'd do it again!

btw, we need more women on bikes. In dresses. All the time, not just fun rides.

2011-06-08 23:26:29

Much rather be pedalstalized then "tolerated". (Misspelling intentional.)

"And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress." Steve Martin

2011-06-08 23:41:31

Lyle - 8, maybe?

I think it was the tone more than anything. More admiration than awe. More "that's something I wish I could do" than "that's something I could never do". Maybe it's a gender thing. Hard to picture a dude saying about another dude "he's amazing", unless it was Jordan playing basketball, or Fabian Cancellara blowing down a cobbled road like it was fresh asphalt ((quiver)).

Pierce, don't be afraid to be amazed at the simple things you yourself do. Step outside once in a while and see yourself. If you rode through some of those snow storms last winter, yes, you are a badass. Next time someone says that to you, just say, yes it was awesome, front tire cutting through the new snow like a buzz saw, every pedal stroke driving the bike another few feet through the weather. Own it. Sometimes the pedestals are just standing there, and nobody wants to climb up out of the ho-hum onto them.

2011-06-09 01:16:05

I definitely put myself on a pedestal where people would notice me when i was commuting in the winter. Especially the first time I did it, and didn't think to bring a change of shoes or socks and worked barefoot for a few hours. "See my bare feet?" I'd declare "That's because I fancy myself a badass! And I'm poor at planning!"

I also really enjoy the small amounts of awe I sometimes get when I tell people I ride to north park from lawrenceville. I leave out the details, like how often I have to lie down in the grass on the way and have a cigarette and cliff bar.

2011-06-09 02:11:36

i bike in a dress often. its usually a bad idea.

2011-06-09 02:50:34

really, why? the only time I've found it to be a bad idea is with a pencil skirt. in that case I'll throw on leggings and either pull the skirt up or just pack it away till I get where I'm going.

2011-06-09 02:58:20

i biked from shadyside to founders field last weekend to participate in a hurling match, then biked home. with prety much each of my teammates at some point, the following conversation happened:

them: "did you bike here?"

me: "yeah."

them: "from where?"

me: "shadyside."

them: "wow!"

each conversation was another brilliant moment to me. i have no problem being an occasional badass. and if people see that as something to strive toward, all the better.

2011-06-09 04:51:26

where's founders field so I know if I should be impressed?

2011-06-09 13:06:22

it wasn't that impressive. i've biked out that way any number of times. though the ride home did hurt like hell, but i'm not quite in the shape i want to be.

2011-06-09 14:44:31

you're a badass, own it!

2011-06-09 14:46:40

@ reddan At the risk of sounding hopelessly out of touch, what is a ho-hum person...?

That would be ... uh ... me.

...and why should we not be pleased that someone with a 9-5 job thinks cycling to work is inspiring?

Doesn't count if they eat honey. Animal product, you know.

2011-06-09 22:21:35