you bent riders are a cult
2010-04-01 18:16:14
you bent riders are a cult
That's a bit insulting to cults, don't you think?
just keep drinking that gatorade
Stu could ride that.
Drumming gorilla, so awesome. Just like Phil Collins, but with hair.
No brakes either, awesome!
OK, so I finally looked at this video. (OK, so it's April 1, too. Grain of salt taken.)
The thing looks functional, if it exists at all. But I'd absolutely use a helmet and other protection.
Bailing on a unicycle is fairly simple. Bailing on that thing almost assuredly means getting hurt. Sideways, skinned/sore elbows. Backward, a fractured skull if helmet-less. Forward, a nutcracker.
Brakes are simple enough, just the same as a unicycle or tricycle or fixie now.