That sounds like an admission of guilt to me. If he was confused he should have slowed down or stopped. It's ridiculous.
Another "accident"...
Ok, this is incredibly messed up:
"Police say that driver, 24-year-old Thomas Keyes, of Titusville, was confused by the headlights from the various stopped vehicles before his vehicle hit Mr. Moss."
"Oh, no, I'm confused by the lights - should I slow down or run into something?" Is that really some kind of excuse? Apparently so; I'm sure you can guess the next line:
Police and the prosecutor are meeting to determine if anyone will face charges.
I mean, it's messed up even ignoring the fact that the whole thing was apparently started when the victim let his 14 year old daughter drive (and crash) his truck on an icy road. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but that was obviously pretty dumb - though not deserving of a death sentence, and really completely incidental to what the killer did.
but he was probably going too fast to stop or slow down a meaningful amount upon realizing he was confused - a la "it all happened so fast..." What scares me is that 10mph can be too fast sometimes, and sometimes one can only tell if it was too fast or not after the dust settles.
I can't help feeling sorry for the kid - being there when your father is killed trying to figure out how badly you damaged his truck (with or without his permission, that's not clear from the story), can't be the easiest way to spend a Friday night.
I don't know. It sounds to me like the victim's behavior could easily have been something that would confuse a passing driver. Not saying it was, but what with letting a 14 year-old crash the truck, then checking for damage in an area that might have been far from safe?
It's always hard to tell from the news reports how to partition the blame.
Like this video that Marko posted:
If it were not for the fact that Rex Hunt was convicted of assaulting the biker, the video gives the impression Hunt is an innocent victim of crazed aggression.
I don't agree with that at all Mick. Certainly it was bad judgement that got him into that situation, but that is completely irrelevant.
If someone is stopped along the road, I don't care how they got there, it's not their fault if they get hit by a car. From the sound of it, he could have just as easily hit one of the other drivers who stopped to help. Or the guy could have been "confused" by one of those crazy blinking bicycle lights or something.
rsprake has it exactly right.
The others who stopped to help didn't have an issue.
@salty From the sound of it...
I like to judge by facts, not from the sound of a news report.
I'm not saying that the victim was at fault for this - I'm saying we do not know.