Yet another? Incredible, and horrible. Sounds like maybe the driver stopped this time, tho. Condolences to the Vida family. This just sucks......
2013-03-31 21:22:32
scott wrote:There’s a lot on council. Maybe someone else can help dig those up?Every member of council has a twitter account, somewhat to my surprise, but they vary widely in how much they use them. As far as I can tell, only Dowd has a separate account for his office, but several have separate personal, campaign, and/or office facebook accounts. D1: Harris. @Darlene4Pgh // Personal FB::darlene.harris.35 D2: Kail-Smith. @Smithdistrict2 // Personal FB::theresa.k.smith.5 // Office FB::district.2 D3: Kraus. @BruceKraus // Personal FB::Bruce.A.Kraus // Office FB::PittsburghDistrict3 D4: Rudiak. // @nataliarudiak // Personal FB::natalia.rudiak.54 // Campaign FB::58967253134 D5: O'Connor. @CoreyOConnor2 // Personal FB::corey.oconnor.161 // Office FB::PittsburghDistrict5 D6: LaVelle. @RDLavelle // Office FB::LavelleDistrict6 D7: Dowd. @patrickdowdpgh // Office twitter: @PghDistrict7 // Personal FB::patrick.dowd.5264 // Office FB::Pittsburgh.Council.District7 // (Defunct) Campaign FB::54042377099 D8: Peduto. // @billpeduto // Campaign Twitter::PeopleForPeduto // Personal FB::billpeduto // Campaign FB::pedutoforpittsburgh D9: Burgess. // @revrickyburgess // Personal FB::councilmanricky.burgess // Office FB::51956628947 If there's interest, I'll consider working on one for County Council and/or local senate/house reps in HBG, though since I know fewer of the names to begin with it'll take me a bit longer. (I can tell you right now D.20 Rep Adam ("Little-Bro") Ravenstahl does not have a twitter account. I've looked. More than once.)