It would be a good way to celebrate Walpurgisnacht, but that's kind of a long way off (April 22 - May 1).
Any interest on a Viking Ride?
Trying to rescue this thought from the vegetarian tread...
Just THINK about all the fun involved!!! And at the end, we can go and 'pillage' a bar or restaurant for lot!!!
Before winter ends & those long-beards go to waste, let's friendly-terrorize the city! Anyone in?
I'm already fantasizing of putting horns on my helmet, and maybe getting a hatchet or something
If time permits, I'm in. I'll scour the rust off my old helm for this.
Leave the blood though, right?
Most of that is on the inside of the helm.
I don't know if this is or is not a good viking helmet (well, for $5 I guess I have a pretty good idea about that), but I have to love the description:
- Gives you a true VIKING FEELING!
Maybe it can be a "welcome spring" ride..... on March...
If Nick D or Mark comes we can have techno vikings
How about a Hagar The Horrible look-alike contest?
We could do a bulk order of fake beards.
Or plan far enough ahead that the grow-your-own variety can get prepared.
Yes - how about for Ostara, March 20 - 21 (equinox).
If dudes can wear dresses, then ladies can wear ladybeards.
Grub down on some lutefisk...
The last time I wore a fake beard was at a Barack Obama Inauguration party.
I am ready to dress as a viking.
I'm also ready to dress as a Viking!!
If there is a Hagar lookalike contest please ask me what I want to win beforehand
there should be mead associated with this. also, there needs to be lots of valhalla references and epic battling after consumption of said mead
Turkey legs.
That is the extent of my input. Delicious turkey legs.
+1 mead. And, to go with the Hagar look-a-like, we need a "Best Valkyrie" competition.
And Wagner! Thunderous, overly loud, bonus-points-if-dance-remixed Wagner!
This sounds totally fun. Maybe a potluck picnic could be part of it since so many of the vikings on this list claim to be awesome in the kitchen?
there should be mead associated with this. also, there needs to be lots of valhalla references and epic battling after consumption of said mead
Mead is delicious, and I happen to know a girl who made her own and is shipping some to me. I am excite.
Also, YES.
my high school mascot was the viking so i am highly qualified, for everything.
This is starting to sound like a thing.
Also, my guess is that Meadville, Pa would be a huge disappointment after this discussion.
I would highly recommend props.... i.e. hatchets, hammers, shields, swords, etc that could be carried in the back.... otherwise how would the pillaging happen?
+ mead
+ turkey legs
March might still be cold for a picnic, though... unless is somewhere inddors we could arrive to.
I am all about wearing a beard an bushy eyebrows.
Ride to renaissance festival!
Great idea. But I have another commitment on March 20th. Can we find another culturally relevant day? Syttende Mai (May 17th) is Norwegian independence day. Maybe then? Or would that be too close to the also proposed Cinco de Mayo ride?
The date I tossed out was only an ever so loose suggestion, open to adjustment.
It would be nice to line something up in March though. And would certainly not exclude something else in May.
This seems to be taking on more legs than the 5 de 5 suggestion, so that's just fine.
It seems like a ride of this nature should end around a large fire. I will need to think on this.
"Loot, pillage, THEN burn."
Important to keep things in order.
"Loot, pillage, THEN burn."
hmmmm. this coulda been an amazing ride to the pittsburgh international auto show
"my guess is that Meadville, Pa would be a huge disappointment after this discussion."
I spent four years in Meadville. The town is a disappointment under any circumstances.
OMG, erok, I love that idea!
I was thinking of an after pillage pyre, with a papier mâché suv. So we just need a location.
if we burn an suv i'm out. i need mine for raiding trails and pillaging bike parks all summer.
We could make one of these! I've been giddy about the Green Hummer Project for years but have never had a chance to make one. Make it, ride it, burn it, grill food over the fire.
EDIT: the materials used in this particular hummer are not ideal for burning food over.
alright, no suv, I don't wan't to bum anybody out.
but seriously, i think its the wrong message to burn vehicles, even in effigy. it just reinforces the us v them mentality that gets no one anywhere positive. i do like the idea of a bonfire though. that's always a good time.
+1 cburch
I have a cyser (apple mead) fermenting now (just sayin) I would enjoy a welcome back to riding ride since I'm not one of those who rides all year (i did ride much later into the cold this year than any other year)
I have a few bottles of aged mead in the liquor cabinet.
I gotta say that I really like the idea of burning vehicles. In effigy is best only because of pollutants.
-1 for burning vehicle effigies....
Cars are not the enemy, but how they are used by those who use them. Plus... electric cars are good... and they are still cars...
I DO like burning stuff... but perhaps something else with less karma associated....
a pittsburgh burning man
??? electric cars are no more "good" than the normal kind.
Three questions: When, how long and how do I affix a viking helmet to my bike helmet?
I just found out today (through a genetic sequencing) that I likely have some viking ancestors or both sides of the family. I wonder if that is why I often have visions of me laughing as a burn down the house of the car that has just cut me off..... or perhaps that is just normal anger issues.
I meant that electric cars are overall-better for the environment than just regular gas-guzzler cars.
Note: I'm not against cars or driving for that matter. I'm only against irresponsible drivers, and too much dependency on cars-oil, instead of developing more sustainable cities and infrastructure.
@bikeygirl Cars are not the enemy, but how they are used by those who use them.
Maybe that is true to you. I'm not sure why someone would feel that way, but I accept it.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here who was drawn to bicycles out of an antipathy to cars.
And while the electric car is the lessor of evils, it still isn't good.
A radio station used to have a ceremonial desctruction of a typewriter on secretaries day. They eventually switched to a PC, but I'm not sure if they still do it. That isn't the same as calling for the abolition of typewriters, though.
I think it would be good to have the occasional event that would show that not everyone thinks our car culture would be hunky dory if only drivers all stopped at red lights, followed the speed limit, and refrained from hitting pedestrians.
I had not considered burning a car in effigy until this thread, but it does strike me as a most excellent idea.
It puzzles me. Why anyone that would shy from even harmless, symbolic burning and pillaging ever consider going on a viking ride?
I don't think burning a car will win any hearts. I want to win hearts. Young, old, people driving, people biking, people who only take the bus and walk. We need to encourage peace, not create polarization and conflict. Even the most bike friendly cities on Earth still have cars. They're not going away anytime soon, no matter how many you burn.
If we want to win hearts? Wait until the price of gas spikes again, THEN burn a wooden car.
Burning a car if effigy is not the same as calling for the abolition of cars.
Yea, I'm sure all those kind people burning American flags in effigy aren't calling for the abolition of America. Oh wait.
+1 dwillen
@Mick... I see what you're saying, but THAT is the point.....
I think the spirit of this viking-idea ride is about FUN. So we can dress like vikings, sporting horned helmets & bushy beards, and having a good time with friends & family on our bikes.
Having an event that adds the burning of effigies of any-kind to make a social-cultural-environmental statement, is a whole other thing with other kind of repercusions, and that could be a different kind of event.
I'm only instigating viking-fun, and as a viking, I would rather 'pillage' a grocery store and 'burn' or grill some vegan burgers, shiskabobs & carne asada on a good fire
If you want to win harts, take an old junker paint it orange and put Cleveland Suxs across the hood. The day before the Steelers play against the Browns let people hit it with a sledge for $5 a swing.
This will subliminally reprogram people in this region to hate cars.
Burn something, not burn something, stupid comment I threw out, it's not really important to me one way or another. I don't want the idea to get spoiled because of my stupid comment.
Like bikey said, FUN, good vibes, happy people, that's all.
Pittsburgh really is catching up to Portland. Hopefully I get to watch Portlandia tonight, and hopefully I find it funny.
bicycle + viking
oh what tangled threads we weave...
Dear BikeyGirl,
There seems to be no interest in your viking ride. I for one have no interest in creating a viking helmet to wear before, during, and after such a ride. And seriously? Women with beards. I'll ride my bike with a beard when Stu rides a bike in a dress.
No problem Bikelove....
I will not get 'prosthetic' horns for my helmet, or consider the the idea of attaching blond-braids to it. I will not search for a kid's sword & shield to carry on my back, or will try to add some DRAGON decor to my bike..... because Vikings = Dragons too.....
NOPE, no dragons or viking gear in my future this coming march.....
And about 'pillaging' and burning carne-asada.... so-not serious either....
kids swords and shields? That's a terrible idea. I think I have some from RenFest a few years back. I will not search for them.
Thats not a good idea. Neither are kilts.
My husband will be upset if he has to wear his kilt while riding.
I also feel that this should end in a park with mead and grills and meat (and/or veggies, for our herbivorous friends)
@dbacklover: Pittsburgh Burning Man already exists, in fact it's happening next weekend!
Kinda far to bike, though, and my job is taking over my life that week, so I can't go this year.
Burning man = hippies
Bonfire = Vikings
Burning man = hippies
Bonfire = Vikings
Vikings Kill and eat hippies
(except for hippies on bikes, vikings are friends with them)
i <3 hippies on bikes.
Even Viking ships get flats, I guess.
VIKING RIDE!!! Love it! Any excuse to be a viking for a day is good enough for me. I really like the idea of ending the ride with lots of meat (and veggies) and good drink. I cook for a living and would love to help out with the food preparation. PM me with details and I am there.
I also bake for a living, was a line cook for 3 years, so I could help out with that as well.
GREAT!! That's the spirit!!!
We need dates, an ending-location suitable for food & drink shenanigans, & how many people are interested.....
Looking at the calendar, why don't we shoot for MARCH 26th??
Not too soon to try to avoid weather-misshaps
Not too early to get into St. Patty's day plans
Not too late to get into Easter, the Steel City Showdown, or the Crush the Commonwealth events in April...
Meeting at dippy is already good fun, but for ending location, an outdoor area where we could easily download our bikes, set up some grills & stuff, and perhaps have a bar-beer place clsoe by?
I wonder if we could try to do this close to the EEB... drinking pillaging would be RIGH THERE, and the street has a fence to lock bikes. We could try to use some of the green-area next to the BurghBees site to grill, mingle and show-off our beards and helmets.....
I think that even if only one person shows up, that'll be enough -but the more the merrier!!!!.... so maybe if we want to make this more good-karma fun and inspire more people, we can try to all bring an unperishable item/can that we can donate to a local kitchen or to the Pittsburgh Foodbank?
Yeah? Neah?
Raise your hands?
Any thoughs?
just putting this out there, but as of now, sundays are the only I'm available to do anything (and now that I think about it, I'm picking up a volunteering gig for sundays).
But saturdays I'm usually done with work by 3pm (provided there's no major bread-buying holiday approaching). So a saturday in the afternoon is doable. I don't know the parks that well, the ones back home have grills where you can bring some charcoal and such and cook stuff up...
(This has been me talking to myself, not offering any real help.)
How about the park in Milville? or South Side? I think both places have grills and Vikings should be near the water! On the other hand, EEB has suds... Where can we make a bonfire without attracting red trucks?
If we cannot have a bonfire, can we bring a burn barrel?
CRAP! I didn't think of that!! You're right! Both Milvalle and Southside have areas where to grill.... and the one in Milvalle is covered and has benches to sit & we need a permit to use them? Does anyone know?
Milvalle sounds good to me the best....
+1 for millvalle.
this just hurt my eyes, but if you scroll down to near the bottom, there is a contact name and number regarding the shelter. i would be willing to pitch in some money if i am able to attend on said date. i also want to rent or buy a fake beard.
Where can you rent a fake beard?
I'd like to buy 6 shares of that business.
Late March is good for me in general, and March 26th is actually excellent.
Once we get into April and May, my time is going to be constrained by wedding activities... so that might be my last opportunity for a group ride as an unmarried man.
(I was planning on shaving the beard in early march, but now I may keep it around until the ride!)
The movie "Thor" opens on Mar 6th.
Kordite - looking forward to that, but not getting my hopes too high that they will not f it up really, really badly.
I was never a big fan of Thor, myself so my expectations aren't high. Captain America, though. . . they better not mess that one up.
can we get giant printouts of this for the ride?
what the hell is happening in this thread?
yes, i would like to ride a bike with a viking helmet and cape on. name the time and place and i'll be there.
That comic is awesome! Are there t-shirts of the last frame?????
I was thinking that I would buy one of those cheap viking helmets and put the horns on my regular bike helmet but then I remembered that I just bought a new helmet. The old helmet, while not perfect, is still serviceable, so I plan on remaking it into a more "authentic" helmet with the simple application of cardboard and ducktape.
Maybe I'll use this as a model.
I think a viking ride is still on.... date March 26th
Could we get a head count? At least to get the thing rolling? If enough people, we can go ahead an try to reserve the Milvalle Shelter for food grilling and viking-festivities...
YEAH or NAH...???
in. on the calendar.
Pittsburgh Randos spring 200K that day.
Although, come to think of it, the 200K starts and ends in Shaler. For when are the Millvale festivities planned? I might still be in for grilling and pin-the-tail-on-the-frost-giant.
I'm in. Been shopping for viking helmets and drinking horns already.
@Reddan.... that could be planned intandem.. if we do the ride we could meet at noon, leaving at 12:30pm, we can ended around 2:30pm-3pm on Milvalle, and we would probably be there for awhile eating & viking & pillaging...
That would work-out SWEET N@! How da'ya' thing Reddan?
Hmmm...200K starts at 7, probably be back by 4 or 5.
Put me down as a contributor towards foodstuffs, at least, and I'll try to make the post-raid feast.
Count me in!
Me too!
And the count so far.....
Come on! Can we make it to 20 at least?
20 min. would make it worth it to rent the Milvalle Shelter! I myself will make the reservation & pony-up the money for it if we get that number just so we can secure the space on that date now
OF COURSE the ride is open to anyone even if you're not sure that you can make it until the last minute, but if we don't have enough sure-enough RSVP's now, renting the place won't make sense, and we might as well just go to a restaurant or something less Viking-worthy.
So..... any Vikings of any inkling still out there?
Shooting for March 26th!!!
ps: I've never organized anything like this before, so bear with me
What time? I've been getting out of work as late as 2:30pm lately, but any later than that, and I'm in.
I don’t know if this makes a big difference but the park in Millvale is only about 4 blocks away from a small strip mall with a very convenient State Liquor Store.
in, as of now. I got a new job yesterday so i'm not really sure what my schedule will look like then.
I am a chef with a local catering company and can't predict in advance when evets will be scheduled so planning social activities sucks for me. That being said, as long as I don't have to work March 26, I'm in.
I'm in.
Add my daughter's boyfriend Ryan to the list of attendees.
I'll be calling tomorrow to reserve the Milvalle Shelter & confirm the date. Regardless..... start getting your Nordic outfits ready
Bikey, what's the fee for the shelter?
also, sorry if I've missed it, but is there a time for this?
Fantastic idea! I also won't know if I'll have work commitments until the week before, but I am in if not.
I'll contribute to the food via Dish of Whatever. Might try to do a black bean soup. May I suggest that the start and end be in Millvale? That way people who drove will be close to their cars at the end of the day.
Also, may I suggest that, if the ride starts before RF can join, can we just tootle past and pick her up at an appropriate time? Not sure how that would work.
I don't want anybody to think me anti-viking, but according to wikipedia's misconceptions page, there is no physical evidence that viking helmets had horns. There is no proof that ALL viking helmets were horn free, either. I choose to believe that there's no physical evidence because Odin hates science and disbelievers, and all the horned helmets are adorning heros in Valhalla, where they eat physical evidence for breakfast.
I'll bring some vegan slaw.
Vikings care not for historical accuracy!
Anyway, depending on time/finish and all of that I can bring something. Just need to think of something reasonable that will fit in a backpack, I guess...I'm trying to stay vegetarian (well pescetarian anyway) so my first thought, "Roasted Piece of Dead Beast", is pretty much out.
Myddrin - Roasted Piece of Dead Beet? Roasted Beets are yummy, gold or purple.
history is written by the victors! if they don't raze everything that can be written on.
Cool site:
What is funny about the vikings is that epeople always have this image of little raiding band, when in reality, the vikings in about 1000 AD had an empire that stretched from Russia to England to Greenland.
Charlemegne was smart - event hough the couldnt' read and write himself, he knew taht if his history wasn't written down, it would disappear. So he encouraged literacy.
The vikings, even with their empire, were largely illiterate. And so they are remembered as vaguely humorous folk with horns on their helmets.
Well, if I'm going to be a Viking, so that means I have to become illiterate, so I won't be able to read the sentence "Vikings didn't have horns on their helmets", so my horn-building project is still on.
Did I write that?
+1 Stu!!
Im going to try like anything to make it. I miss riding and need something to start things off right.
I think I can do it if I can get a few more months of my five-year-old in the seat. Plus, I think he'll get a kick out of having viking horns on his helmet.
dback - if you want to car or bike pool, lemme know. I've got a car rack that will hold two, or Millvale is close enough to bike for me (though it wouldn't take much to convince me that the whole day would be a lot). I can meet you at your place or mine or wherever.
this goes for a total of two people anywhere easterly (including dback, if he wants). I figure I can fit one int he trunk, two in the back, plus 2 people.
in middle school there was a song that I remember the chorus of, it probably came from some wildly popular show I wasn't allowed to watch, "rape, kill, pillage, burn, rape kill pillage burn - eat babies!" like some kind of twisted viking musical. it may have been created by my twisted friends. we were odd.
the muppets did a wonderful viking sketch to the tune of In the Navy. I'd link to it, but I don't have youtube at work.
@ejwme - glad to oblige
The Pirates in England
Saxon Invasion, A.D. 400-600
When Rome was rotten-ripe to her fall,
And the sceptre passed from her hand,
The pestilent Picts leaped over the wall
To harry the English land.
The little dark men of the mountain and waste,
So quick to laughter and tears,
They came panting with hate and haste
For the loot of five hundred years.
They killed the trader, they sacked the shops,
They ruined temple and town--
They swept like wolves through the standing crops
Crying that Rome was down.
They wiped out all that they could find
Of beauty and strength and worth,
But they could not wipe out the Viking's Wind
That brings the ships from the North.
They could not wipe out the North-East gales
Nor what those gales set free--
The pirate ships with their close-reefed sails,
Leaping from sea to sea.
They had forgotten the shield-hung hull
Seen nearer and more plain,
Dipping into the troughs like a gull,
And gull-like rising again--
The painted eyes that glare and frown
In the high snake-headed stem,
Searching the beach while her sail comes down,
They had forgotten them!
There was no Count of the Saxon Shore
To meet her hand to hand,
As she took the beach with a grind and a roar,
And the pirates rushed inland!
--- Rudyard Kipling
im in! i was thinking I could handle the ride but not the ride to the ride and then the ride and the ride from the ride... now I have to find horns for my helmet
Also I just put a few gallons of a very nice dark ale up to ferment. it will be ready by then. is such stuff encouraged by the VIC Viking in charge?
(from the Vikinginati web page, Viking Rule #4: Vikings do not ask permission. Ever. And they do not apologize. Ever.
BTW, Vikings have no need of a Rule #5, as they already are.
Bonus points for Viking helmet horns that unscrew to become drinking horns.
I have a call to the Milvalle Parks place -waiting to hear back fromt them.
bikeygirl- I have heard that shelter is very popular, and often reserved months in advance. Perhaps we might give thought to a Plan B location.
I probably should have googled some options before I posted this... I'll do that now.
we could always sack the shelter, if it's already taken.
or we could sack the point, could be quite satisfyingly symbolic in a vague way I cannot seem to find the words to describe.
or we could use a shelter at Frick or Schenley, or some of the benches along the south side trail. The universities usually have lovely open green spaces that, while technically private property, I've never seen anybody object to a picknick (blankets instead of tables)
Hey I got some friends that I was thinking of inviting (granted im pretty sure they will say no) but does anyone know what the route will be like? if its hilly I dont want to invite friends and them have them sack and pillage me.
+1 for drinking horns. unfortunately mine is a dragons tooth and isn't really horned shaped. Still makes for a great drinking vessel and will surely be on this ride.
I have a trombone I could fill with beer. Does that count as a drinking horn?
alas I only have a pirate mug and not a viking horn... Still ill bring mine.brewing mead on saturday. will have to be sure to bottle it in plastic to bring.
I think I willbe down for long as my schedule works out....
I just have 2 questions:
1. Any objections to kids going? (I typically cannot get out of the house with at least one of the kiddos in tow)
2. Is this dude invited?
I'm currently playing phone-tag w/Milvalle Parks-place. The Pavillion is not open for "rental" until the month of April, so I'm trying to confirm if we can just use the space as-is for our viking-purposes. That would mean not getting to use the kitchen and its ammenities -which I think is fine. All we need is the tables, benches, grill, and the bathrooms -right?
More to come as I know, but I think this will work out!!
Keeps finger crossed
@The Beast: Haha! A Technoviking? That is awesome-hillarious!
bikeygirl - you rock.
Release your Viking’s inner kindergartner...
Promise them up and down that some of us were Boy/Girl Scouts once and so know how to "leave the camp cleaner than how you found it".
They'd actually be doing themselves a favor to let us use it.
If the "facilities" are not available - that may include bathrooms, as a lot of times those type of public restroom are not heated, so they winterize them and lock them up for the season. However, they may have port-a-potties, I can't remember.
@AtLeastMyKidsLoveMe I _think_ that the restrooms are open that time of year. I used to be down in that area daily, and I seem to remember seeing people going in and out of them pretty much from Late Feb Through Oct.
Could be wrong though... never actually stopped to use them.
@AtLeastMyKidsLoveMe I _think_ that the restrooms are open that time of year. I used to be down in that area daily, and I seem to remember seeing people going in and out of them pretty much from Late Feb Through Oct.
Could be wrong though... never actually stopped to use them.
Vikings didn't have indoor plumbing...
@bikelove - how do we cross-thread this to the thread on, um, the indelicacies of ladies passing water on the trail... I believe there ended up being some discussion of Viking-style outdoor pottymaking...
@myddrin: Not sure either, but a lot of this type of facilities are ganged together, closed together and then opened together (at the same time). Besides, you are almost certain to have a hard freeze in March, or certain enough to keep it winterized until April).
The average temp for Mar 26 is 44, but the concern is the overnight low. Much below freezing could freeze the pipes. (Translation: Big cost to boro, or us.)
Last 5 years, the coldest March nights on or after that date were 26, 28, 24, 33 and 23. Even a week earlier than that, temps routinely hit the high teens, which could be trouble for plumbing in an unheated small space.
In any case, it's not ours to decide. Just letting you know why they might say no. I suppose if we want to rent a portapotty and bring our own water, that changes things, but I'd still get their OK on scheduling.
I have a trombone I could fill with beer. Does that count as a drinking horn?
as a former tromboner, this almost made me puke in my mouth seeing what's come out of the spit valve
erok - i apologize. I promise not to abuse beer, instrument, or the "drinking horn" image in such a manner. It was just the first thing that came to mind
Hee, hee, tromboner.
@ erok at least you had a spit valve. Us sax players had to suck that good stuff back out of our mouthpieces. Yum Yum....
Ram your way through the crowds.
Heheh my brother was a tromboner.
kordite, that ram bike pic is awesome. what wonderful handlebars.
to avoid highjacking another thread, the thought of viking tshirts has come up. If anyone has a design idea, throw it out here. it costs about $10 to print a shirt, so that's what they'll go for.
For the design: on the share the road thread there was a pretty cool "Give The Road" sign with a viking silhouette.
I would definately be interested in a shirt!
Also, any more thought to times and possible route? I am trying to find a saturday to squeeze a kayak run down Buffalo creek before the spring thaw/ high water recedes and it looks like this may be one of the only days I can do it, but hopefully I can fit both in!
I would definately be interested in a shirt!
Also, any more thought to times and possible route? I am trying to find a saturday to squeeze a kayak run down Buffalo creek before the spring thaw/ high water recedes and it looks like this may be one of the only days I can do it, but hopefully I can fit both in!
Talked to the Milvalle Shelter people and here is the situation:
(1) The Shelter is not open for rental until late April.
(2) If we we want to use the area-shelter, we can use it as-is... but its services are not working right now, like power, water, the kitchen, etc. but we can grill & stuff, and bring our own water if needed.
(3) HOWEVER their bathrooms are closed too -they are not working right now (no water), and are being repaired. I asked Kim (the lady I talked to over the phone), if they might be 'ready' for March 26th, which she said she doubts it.... she will let me know if something changes, but doubt it.
(4) SO IN SUMMARY.... we can use & gather in there, we can grill and bring our own water & responsible potables, BUT with no bathroom, and I don't know where would the closest one be.
(5)... any ideas???
ANYONE with connections to Milvalle Skate Park, or the Three Rivers Milvalle-Rowing club? BOTH of places are right-there at the pavillion, and I wonder if we could use their facilities....
(6) COME ON ... anyone? Thoughts? Suggestions?
What would a Viking do?
There is a small strip mall behind the Grant Bar (about 3 blocks away from the pavilion). It has a Subway restaurant, dollar store, laundromat, and State Liquor Store. I would guess they have public bathrooms and it’s not that far away.
A viking would use an axe to chop open the doors to access the restrooms and kitchen. Remember, we are just PLAYING at being vikings. I will not have an axe to chop open any doors.
I may have Thor's Hammer, though.
But it will be paper and will be unable to bash down any doors or concave any skulls.
I am not riding behind that!!! just saying
Can we do a new post with just the date and time and meeting point of this ride? I keep losing the information..... Has that been finalized?
"LoL, Actually Camping Toilets combo would be nice!"
Funny enough, I do have one of these, but dont think it would support more than a few people.
The millvale bait and tackle shop is also down near there. Im not sure what kind of facilities they have, but they may be an option? I see on here ( that they do premade picnic food, maybe we could buy some from him in exchange for usage???
I'll make a couple of more calls tomorrow... but YES that is an option.
Mr. Smalls Skate Park is closed for the season, but I have seen people dabbing around the 3-Rivers Rowing club.
MORE TO FOLLOW tomorrow....
I have a simple idea to make it accessible to varied ages:
Most-def thinking going down the river trails, from like milvalle up to north-side-stadiums, cross bridge go downtown, continue to jail-trail up panther-hollow, do oakland, shadyside, east liberty, down to Penn avenue/friendship, bllomfield, 40th to bridge to end in Milvalle again...
If we decide to try for a local private business as a potty spot, it would behoove us to confirm ahead of time that we would be welcome. I don't mind chipping in a dollar or two to a "thanks for letting us use your bathrooms" fund. Subway might be the worst option if we ask ahead. Then again, if we buy a cookie we're customers...
Just saying. It depends on party size and frequency of use. But these are things to consider. If we spread out our... usage, there would be less of an issue than otherwise.
I've been to plenty of picknicks where there were no facilities handy, it did not dampen the merriment the least.
Just doing some preliminary tire-kicking on renting a portable toilet, we're looking at $100 or more, they drop it Friday and pick it up Monday.
Methinks we have mini-rides to various establishments in Millvale, buy some stuff, use the facilities there. This would be a problem if 40 of us descend on one place, but probably not if 5 at a time do.
Scouting mission needed to locate all publicly accessible toilets (to paying customers) in Millvale.
@Stu... do you volunteer to scout the area??
I'll check tomorrow.... but WE DO want to have it in Milvalle, right?
I'll continue my phone-call work tomorrow.....
EXCITED nevertheless.... AND look for the poster coming up...
Sure, I'll scout it out.
kordite, you post the best pictures
He looks all set for the Bridesmaid Ride.
I have my viking helmet prototyped. I was going to go for the face shield, ear covers and wings but I don't like how the ear covers are coming out. I may just end up with the face shield. I'll try out some wing ideas this weekend and then use the cardboard patterns to cut apart a plastic garbage can and paint it up.
Pictures when I'm finished.
It's been hectic lately with me and I'm still working on finalizing the location.... 99% will be a Milvalle, just need the final-go ahead from them.
I NEED someone to help me out in figuring out a bike-route, and to perhaps work with me on thinking what else we need to make the event successful.
Any takers? Pretty please?
I said I would scout out Millvale businesses with yes-you-can-use-it-if-you-buy-something facilities. I haven't gotten out yet. (Damned income taxes.) I'll get there, I promise.
I have taken some family and friends and youth groups, most who are typically not used to city or even on road riding, on a loop starting in milvalle.
We usually start there, take the trail and cross over the fort pitt bridge, cut through the point and go up the blvd of the allies to the eliza furnace trail, cross the hot metal and down the southside trail. Then cross over the west end bridge and come back up the north shore trail. Its about 12 miles or so I believe.
Has a starting time been set yet? I looked through quickly but did not see.
I just request that the ride not be TOO short, (whatever that means to most people), I would like adequate time to pillage.
I have a viking bike helmet now!
I think it needs wings.
Haha, that is great, Kordite!
SOMEONE PLEASE make a FB event as well!
EDIT: No typos now.....
A couple of typos to fix: Millvale, Pavilion, consumption.
"bikeygirl" might not be understandable on Facebook; might just be easier to remove the line?
Is this a loop ride that begins & ends at the Pavilion?
YEAP..... MEET & END and Potluck at PAVILLION!!!
aw...I can't make it, it's too early.
@RubberFactory... If you can't come to the ride, come to the potluck at least
ALL: Route
I usually get out of work at 2. There's a chance I could make it.
Ok... for those on the FB-interwebs...
Here is the event!!
Just RSVP'd and invited a bazillion folks.
ONE MORE THING: To make the pillaging more fun, please ALSO bring a can or unperishable item from the list on the link below to-be donated for the PITTSBURGH FOOD BANK!!
That way the ride will be EVEN more EPIC and AWESOME
ALSO.....THIS IS MY FIRST TIME TRYING TO ORGANIZE SOMETHING LIKE THIS, so if anyone has advice, thoughts, help they can offer, PLEASE send me a PM message here at the board, or POST ON THE FB invite!
And now... to work on my helmet and dragon... YEAH!
sorry about that bikeygirl. don't know why that got picked up as spam.
Would it be weird to go as Brett favre?
I vaguely want to make a bike Viking ship for this.
i like the reverse-pillaging Food Bank aspect.
Nice work bikeygirl, this will indeed be epically awesome