Did anyone ever try these?
I'm considering buying a pair. I really don't care if they're slow or a bit less comfortable than normal tires, as long as they are safe and fit my bike.
Did anyone ever try these?
I'm considering buying a pair. I really don't care if they're slow or a bit less comfortable than normal tires, as long as they are safe and fit my bike.
ew. pneumatic tires are one of the greatest inventions in the history of cycling. just get some anti-flat tires and maybe throw a little stans sealant into your tubes if you are that worked about flats.
Holy thread necro. I guess to add my experiences on other industries, air free tires cause all kinds of issues. They will transfer more vibration to other parts of the devices that are using them and may cause lots of fatigue issues. Read premature frame failure, a stretch, but who knows what the frames were designed to take. I am assuming they are all designed with normal tires in mind.
So yeah, nothing worthwhile, and this is coming from someone who disagrees with some of Sheldon's writings.
i don't think air free tires man ever looked at this thread again.
If you do some internet research on Air Free Tires, Inc you find a lot of bad stories and complaints, and a BBB rating of F!
I don't think that's reason to discount the whole concept, though.
I think the idea might come back some time - there are new materials all the time. My guess is that an airtless tire might have a new kind of rim and maybe even a special wheel.
On the other hand, the President of Air Free Tires, Inc who posted here struck me as dumb, dishonest, and kinda creepy. Bad stories and a BBB rating of F don't surprise me that much.
I don't know... the fact that no commuters in Pittsburgh use airless tires (as far as I know) and I've never heard an actual cyclist recommend them, eh, it raises a flag
I would consider getting some Panaracer RIMBOS and maybe a tire liner first.
I actually like the race hard case tires that came with my new bike. I'm usually not a fan of Bontrager tires. That said, I would never ride on airless tires. I'm pretty sure that would suck.
This board is the mother of thread resurrection. I think it's kind of jarring, especially when people inevitably start responding to posts at the top like they're new or still relevant... it's kind of ironic too considering the search function is so broken.
and, air free tires sound pretty dumb to me.
i use airless tires. they're wooden. #steampunk
It wouldn't be a Pittsburgh message board without zombie threads.
I like resurrecting old threads. The old school wisdom is very fulfilling.
Is that what they are calling that stuff now?
i will use air-free tires when they are made out of ærogel.