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anyone ever bike tour down route 29?

i was on route 29 recently in a car and was struck by how awesome, scenic, hilly, etc it was and now really wanna go bike camping from pgh down 29, then maybe catch the c&o-gap back up. wondering if anyone here has done a ride that included 29? and if so, how was camping along it? how did cars respond to a biker? any other notable things about biking on it?

2012-08-09 04:21:01

I'm not familiar with rt29, where is it?

2012-08-09 13:10:47

oops, i guess there's more than one rt 29 :)

i mean the one that runs up virginia/west virginia. at times it runs parallel and sometimes crosses the gap near paw paw, old town, brings you into cumberland. i forget the road i caught once i got to maryland, but that was pretty, too.

2012-08-09 15:08:31

The 29 in eastern pa is also very nice.

2012-08-09 15:52:10

Steevo - I agree. I used to live on 29 in Emmaus. But once it turns into Cedar Crest Blvd, it's a little scary for bikes.

2012-08-09 17:18:50