I find that going weekends without riding makes me feel pretty lousy.
What would be best for me is relatively early morning, then no conflicts with family schedule for the day.
Haven't worked out any details, but probably something in the 2 hour range. And not skipping seasonally. Weather call-offs possible but hopefully not common.
2013-01-10 02:07:22
Are you planning on riding tomorrow?
2013-01-12 18:06:46
Sorry I missed this, I've been living off NyQuil, ibuprofen, tea and soup since about Friday midday and didn't think to check Saturday evening.
Next Sunday perhaps? Let me know.
2013-01-14 01:10:04
I'm not the best about mornings, but if you guys ride next week, I'll definitely try to drag myself out of bed for it.
2013-01-14 01:29:34
What sort of ride would you like? I'm really flexible, just want to get something in.
2013-01-14 02:15:43
Whatever, really. I'm pretty flexible too. I've just been trying to get more miles in at a decent pace. What you said about something in the two-hour range sounds good.
2013-01-14 02:28:54
Out to Boyce park, or do you think that's too ambitious? Mind you, I've never been out that way and don't know what the heck I'm doing, would be a minor research project this week to piece it together optimally.
2013-01-14 02:43:39
Go north, west or south. Riding out to or past Monroeville sucks.
2013-01-14 03:19:05
Suggestions appreciated. I haven't really biked anywhere but Squirrel Hill to downtown. Was trying not to follow those old tracks at least.
2013-01-14 03:40:25
Part of the motivation also was scouting Dornbush street. Raw curiosity and a laugh is all (I'm know in NO shape to climb it, but it might be funny to try).
2013-01-14 03:46:37
PMTCC has two routes (at least I rode those) 16th Bridge to New Kensington:
Both touch Boyce Park on a way back to Pittsburgh. Both use Saltzburg/Frankstown. We usually ride tight pack (or two packs) on 380.
Another way is Old Frankstown/Lott/Main/Universal/Frankstown (from Boyce to Pittsburgh).
2013-01-14 04:42:19
I'll be looking for longish early Sunday rides post PGH marathon. For this time of year I was happy to get 20 mi around town in shorts, let alone 20 mi. Sundays are pretty mellow in general - best day to ride. If you want to get in some easy miles, head north on Freeport Road for a while & come back. Easy meaning that even though there are no hills, you'll have a headwind on half of the ride. Not sure how it is with snow & ice on the berm... probably not that great, actually.
In Feb, you'll be on the trainer.
2013-01-14 06:28:14
"I'm not the best about mornings, but if you guys ride next week, I'll definitely try to drag myself out of bed for it."
Dragging... is the ONLY way I know how to get out of bed. LOL
I'm likely down for a ride this coming Sunday (weather permitting). After that, I'll probably be back in Chicago for at least two more months; so I won't be a regular participant in the immediate future.
2013-01-15 18:14:28
Derp, I forgot about something else going on this Sunday. Next Sunday, I'm in.
2013-01-16 02:19:43
I made it out this past Sunday. Deeply relaxing; I ended up down to my t-shirt.
In truth what happened is that I finally went to the South Side to pick up my bike which got stuck there due to the snows (yes, I wimped; sorry).
It turned into a nice ride up and down the rivers. Eventually I wandered aimlessly through the byways of Allegheny Cemetery; got passed by a friendly spandex guy on Stanton; inhaled the smells of roasting chicken off Frankstown...
Anyway, I like the idea of Sunday rides in winter. If more come up I'd like to be there (sorry, too busy to commit to initiating any).
2013-01-17 02:31:15
First, apologies for starting the idea and let it fall totally flat for over a month. Combo of weather, message board blackout, a nagging cough, and lately, laziness.
But am still looking for a wake up call and some fun Sunday mornings
It doesn't look like I'll know who was riding Sunday midday up Beacon (unless this gets it a second look and it's one of you!), so I'll assume for the time being that there isn't a regular ride for me to hop on, or at least not one I'll find through these boards.
So, let's try this again. Starting and finishing at say, Forbes and Shady (giving the chance for a charge for anyone who needs at Starbucks or Dunkin donuts... also places I can get something, bonus). Routes will be all road and smooth trails.
I do have a hard stop at 11 so I can be home and showered for lunch. So I could theoretically start as late as 9, but prefer earlier so there's more ride time / time in case of flat or whatever.
Hard to give much guidance on pacing since I don't know the group and have no personal experience on longer rides. But certainly, will start out on the easy side of things and no drops. Will after that first ride what's most desired for the future.
OK, so reply if you're interested and PM me so I have your contact info. Unless road conditions are pretty nasty first ride will be February 24th.
2013-02-18 22:06:23
From the PMs I think a few folks have stuff going on this Sunday in particular. No for sure sign ons, but maybe a concrete route helps bring this into better focus and bring someone in if they're on the fence.
For me at least, this is also my public commitment to ride since I know I fell flat on this last time I proposed it. Will post the link to the (likely embarassing) endomodo recording when done assuming my cell phone battery doesn't die with the gps tracking on.
So, starting with a counter clockwise loop around the Pittsburgh eruv: (
https://sites.google.com/site/pittsburgheruv/eruv-map), with impossible to directly follow section on the southeast corner taken up by nine mile run trail and connections to and from. About 10 miles. Up to four extensions of interest to me taking it to a little over 20 miles if my hands don't get too cold.
Extension 1:
Downhill shady to around walnut street, cutting over to Beachwood around Reizenstein, Mellon Park, or meandering and exploring both if I'm on my own. Looking for the least intimidating route to/from that area of Shady for my wife (assuming I can get her on a bike in the first place).
Extension 2:
Down Hazelwood Avenue to 2nd avenue and up Flowers/Killborne/Tesla, just because. OK, I have a vendetta over there, I didn't have the juice for all of Tesla street when I was stuck in the saddle back in November and now that I'm not stuck in the saddle at have a decent bit of bike commuting behind me, I want to see if I do have the juice.
Extension 3:
Down Browns Hill Road and the Homestead Grays bridge (ROAD, ADRENALINE, FAST!), loop around back to the GAP and ride the GAP just a little in very slow recovery mode before coming back up the bridge on sidewalk (oh well). It's always bothered me that I'm so close to the waterfront and never gone by bike. That, and I've never ridden any of the GAP at all and that has to change.
2013-02-21 15:32:56
Sorry, neglected extension 4:
Exploring Duck Hollow a bit.
Also, a start time and location, which I will stick to, so if you want to come spur of the moment it's fine. Starbucks at corner of Forbes and Shady, 8am.
2013-02-21 15:46:41
Ben, you could always combine Duck Hollow w/ Flowers-Tesla...would make a nice loop, and a chance to stop for refreshments in Hazelwood before tackling the climb.
2013-02-21 16:12:51
So I'm clear, you're suggesting getting over to the duck hollow trail from 2nd avenue veering off to the right and crossing the tracks just before the Glenwood Bridge? Just want to confirm that it connects first I guess. Google street view only takes you so far in these situations.
If it does, I agree it would be a nicer order, better breaks things up than doing duck hollow right before cutting across Frick, and better than doing Duck hollow between Tesla and the spur down to the waterfront by saving lefts across Browns Hill Road and letting me use the full downhill for speed.
2013-02-22 09:46:32
Connecting with the trail just short of teh Glenwood bridge involkves going over the railroad tracks. Not that I would know about that, of course, because that is illegal and I've never done anything illegal. But I've heard that it's easy to access the path from there.
Of course, I heard it in an indirect fashion, because no one I know has ever done anything illegal either.
But I've heard it's really easy with no problems and pretty good visibility.
I wouldn't recommend it.
2013-02-22 09:52:03
Thanks Mick,
How foolish of me. Dan, my apologies.
I'll be sure to be on the lookout in case anyone is doing something so foolish and ill advised. Likewise for anyone breaking the 25mph speed limit downhill on Browns Hill Road or the Homestead Grays bridge.
2013-02-22 10:02:32
Looks like an interesting and fun ride. Any trails, not paved at this time of year, are going to be difficult to ride. Would prefer sticking to roads until the trails have had time to dry and firm-up.
2013-02-23 10:21:15
I like the original idea of an east end road ride that tackles dornbush. Not so much interested in all of the exploring aspects of the ride (I understand and agree that is a fun way to spend a Sunday morning, but hiking over train tracks and gravel is not my cup of tea on the road bike).
If you're interested - when it gets a little warmer, ill lead a ride that starts in squirrel hill and includes some fun (torturous) climbs throughout the east.
2013-02-23 12:23:18
Not the east end (but close)... there is typically a ride that leaves from Aspinwall most Sunday mornings (Spring, Summer, Fall and the occasional nice winter weekend). I assume we will start riding again soon. We typically leave at dawn to maximize family time later in the day and typically do 30 early in the year. We add distance after the marathon building up to 50-60 miles, 15-17 mph pace. Typically 3-6 riders and mostly head out toward Saxonburg/Butler via various routes. We have an email group to coordinate. Anyone is welcome to join. The same email group coordinates other rides later in the day for those who are looking for a slower/later ride.
PM me and I can send you email list information.
2013-02-23 13:39:05
fultonco, thanks about the warning on the trails.
I only have one bike at the moment, a hybrid with smooth-ish but not narrow road only tires. Depending on who shows and what things look like and how people feel about it, we could follow the basic outlines without the trail stuff and come up to Braddock Avenue via Parkview/Summerset/Commercial/Church. Or maybe simpler to just cross over the river on the rankin bridge and get onto Braddock Avenue there. Was just listing plan A.
mrosswog, sounds like fun. Any time you want to lead is good by me.
AWallRider, thanks for the pointer. Not sure if I want to latch onto something starting up there, or try and keep this rolling in Squirrel Hill. But never hurts to have the info. Will PM you.
2013-02-23 22:00:23
Had a couple interested folks have to duck out, next week looks much more promising for attendance, but I did take a 20 mile ride today and said I'd post the endomodo log of it so here goes:
A nice ride on a nice, low traffic morning. A bit misleading because I neglected to stop my workout when I actually got home (the tiny little notch on Beacon) and so when I ran back out 35 minutes later or so, I heard endomodo talking and shut it down. Without that, was pretty much right on the 20 miles in 2 hours target I had at the outset with some tough climbing in there.
Started off when I didn't see how to get from shady/walnut nicely over to beachwood so went the other way and did negley for the heck of it. Tesla street (sigh) is still my nemesis, I didn't have as much energy as I needed so even though I got further than in the fall I still didn't finish it. If I tackle it first and plan my eating better maybe I'll have more luck. Biggest thing though I think is low speed balance standing on the pedals. Lack of such coordination plus when I tried to switch over my legs were already rubbery... I think I need to commit earlier.
Since I was alone and had already done my extensions when I was called by my wife, I came straight back, so missed the eastern part through Frick on nine mile run. Will have to check that out some time.
Anyways all to report for this time. Happy riding all and hope to see a few of you next Sunday!
Cheers, Ben.
2013-02-24 21:05:13
Thanks for the update! I would have actually made it today but on most days I'm 1.5hrs away by car and I didn't make it into town until a bit after 9.
2013-02-24 21:11:44
I think everyone has a different starting time preference, 8am was just somewhat of a happy medium just for me in terms of A: My actually being awake in time to get ready and get out there and B: The ride ending enough to not meaningfully impact family plans for the day. The latter part makes it really hard for me to push it much later without having only a very short ride, I'm sorry.
I'm going to put it on the calendar for next week at the same place, time, and duration (forbes and shady starbucks, starting 8am going 2-2.5 hours). Yesterday a set of coincidences made it a solo flight, but overall PM response was pretty good, so I don't think that formula is bad. Want to try a second time and see anyway.
In the meantime, if you want to do this and think you make it on Sunday, make your route suggestions known. I've got one vote for scouting Dornbush so far, which would be easy enough to get to and an opportunity for some type 2 fun, but need a lot more than that to get to a real route. Otherwise I'll just start playing with google maps until I've got a pretty shape.
2013-02-25 12:57:58
I wasn't suggesting to change the time, the time would be good for me if not due to my current circumstances. I was just noting that I *almost* made it.
2013-02-25 13:27:20
Hope to catch you some time, organized ride or just out there generally. I'm reasonably recognizable by the funny diy wire hanger cell phone mount (sometimes phone in white case inside, sometimes not, depending on weather/laziness) at the front of my helmet.
2013-02-25 22:22:06
OK, here's the rough idea,
first draft
Debating whether to do oval or highland park reservoir. Depends on interest. If we do the oval it will involve either the grass or cutting over from lake drive (mentioned here
Also consider reversing direction on the whole route mainly because circuit drive up through schenley park would be such a scenic finisher. But one way or another, something in highland park vicinity, hit laurenceville, polish hill, a tiny bit of the North shore and Washington's landing.
Feedback? I'm intentionally setting out to go places I've never been on bike (laurenceville, polish hill, Washinton's landing) so this may be kind of screwed up.
Planning, like for last week's "route" mostly involved me dragging around on google maps and dropping to street view from time to time + a little ping of the boards, an element of luck, and backup in the form of GPS. This time no trail.
Liked the feedback I got last time. Now I'm just hoping to hook in some fellow riders. Who's in?
2013-02-28 12:59:43
If you will make some allowances for someone coming off a long winter and not quite in top form yet, this sounds like a nice early season challenging ride.
2013-02-28 17:37:57
Of course, we ride at the pace we ride together. I haven't been in "top form" in 13 years.
I will also be watching the weather a bit in terms of moisture as the ride gets closer. Not go/no go, barring something ridiculous I go. But depending on the bike and if the trail is wet, that may be no fun, so might replace trail riding (thinking of washington's landing especially) with some more meandering around the north side.
2013-02-28 23:03:13
It should be easy enough to work around, but I suspect the Strip District trail from downtown won't be rideable. I tried to use it a week or so ago, and sections of it were covered in very large ice boulders, with no place to go around them and really no way to walk over them since they're slippery and full of ankle-twisting holes. I'd be surprised if several feet of ice melted that quickly. It looks like they've been plowing the snow from above down onto the trail.
Looks like a nice route, though!
2013-03-01 11:32:08
I'm in for this, pending weather atrocity.
2013-03-01 13:02:27
I took a test ride today over lunch for the strip district trail and washington's landing bits. The ice boulder situation is resolved.
Washington's landing was fun, funny that that trail takes you through a restaurant's patio (re-opens in a month). A little less to it than I thought, but a worthwhile lunchtime bit of scouting.
I will say, the main road didn't look interesting at all, trail was friendly enough for my hybrid without knobby tires but probably not so great for a road bike (I say this without ever having owned one, and having done only two test rides, but I ~think~ it's a reasonably accurate statement).
So, I think we're looking at a little more North side exploration, suggestions welcome, otherwise I'll just drag google maps and make another shape to my liking.
2013-03-01 13:19:26
Used to work on WashLanding, can confirm that (a) the trail is not really doable on narrow road tires, (b) the road is boring and not well paved (cement block with giant gaps), (c) riding through the middle of the restaurant patio and the boat dock is weird at best, if not downright obnoxious, and (d) there's not much there, on the whole. Nice view of Downtown from the downstream point/bridge, though.
2013-03-04 17:39:56
(ps i am interested, and if I can ever someday convince myself to get up for a sunday 7am bus, I may be able to join y'all, but... hell, I almost never get up that early during the week.)
2013-03-04 17:45:52
@ buffalo buffalo - the trail on Herr's island is nice but it is not a place where one will be going very fast. One day, I am going to have a bite at Redfin Blues, the restaurant. Taking the trail, all the way to the eastern end gives a nice view of the Allegheny River and 40th Street bridge. Stay on the trail, not the road and you will avoid the big gaps of which you mentioned.
2013-03-04 18:37:25
pretty sure other than the restaurant and dock the trail is gravel the whole way up, which as i mentioned makes it pretty unsuitable for road bikes...
2013-03-04 18:40:06
Slightly to my surprise we actually did wind up running out there... changed the route a decent bit overall the day of because I hadn't figured out how to do turn by turn vocalized directions on a custom route on my phone. andrewsherman and elmo picked up the slack. It was fun. Would love to have you out there.
PM me your contact info if you like, I'm more inclined to have some types of route/pace/timing discussions via email than bouncing everything through the board.
2013-03-05 00:51:59
Pacing comments through the board could be useful for people who are contemplating joing these rides. Possibly routing comments as well.
2013-03-05 13:02:29
I didn't get an endomodo recording last time (stupid, stupid me), so I have only the first data point, when I rode solo last Sunday in Feb in terms of my own personal pacing and how that might match up with others. That was at a very wide range of effort levels corresponding to intentionally varied terrain (Negley, DD hill and some other less exaggerated climbs but also some mileage extending very flat stuff) but it centered on moderate and was about 10mph with a couple very short stops.
The route was vastly flatter this time, the ride a bit longer (maybe 2 1/2 hours instead of 2 hours even) and the average effort started very low, climbing to moderate in spots on the way back. Still nothing but a couple, couple minute stops. Average speed I'm guessing would have to be somewhat higher since there was really only significant slow climb, but hard for me to gauge how much.
Those who rode, if you have experience with your pacing and how this lined up, what would your guess be?
2013-03-05 14:28:54
I mapped the route in google maps (possibly with slightly different side streets in some parts where my memory failed, but not enough to alter the total mileage) and got 25 miles door to door for me, over a little more than 2.5 hours out. The time includes stopping at Starbucks before the ride start and short stops during. I'd estimate average traveling speed 11 mph.
2013-03-05 15:08:51
Thinking about riverview park as the next destination. Never been.
What do folks think? Anything to know about the destination/route other than that it's a climb?
2013-03-06 16:31:59
byogman wrote:Thinking about riverview park as the next destination. Never been.
What do folks think? Anything to know about the destination/route other than that it’s a climb?
Its a great route. You can get there without hitting any major roads once you hit the Trail (minus the Blvd gap to Point State Park).
2013-03-06 16:58:17
Another really nice way to get there is to start in Millvale and go Hoffman→Mt. Royal→Ivory→Perrysville.
For a city person like me, it feels like you plunge, for a bit, into seemingly real country, then gently drift back into the city. And, if you want, you can be back for lunch.
2013-03-07 21:50:02
Riverview is a nice ride, from my house it's a 20-25 mi loop depending on exactly how I go. I usually take the N. Side trail there and then find another way back and stop downtown for lunch. It's a pretty mild climb, just kinda long.
I can send you some routes... I might even try to make it although I'm not really a morning person.
2013-03-08 00:11:18
We (my coworkers and I) go to River View during lunch on a regular basis --
This one similar to Ahlir's one --
2013-03-08 10:57:17
Looks pretty great. Was planning the same way up and pretty much same way back down, though Ahlir's route description is interesting.
Bothers me, but obviously missing the lunch at this moment. But if you do start riding out to river view during lunch let me know, would love to join.
2013-03-08 12:22:37
When we go there we usually start around noon from our office. and if no one has meetings at 13:00 then we take a little bit longer lunch and go there. Otherwise we shorten the route or chose another one so we can be back by 12:50 and people could get shower.
Last season it was almost every Wednesday. I'll tell you our scheduler for incoming season when we have it.
2013-03-08 17:52:14
If starting in SqHill, another option is Highland (either Dallas/../ELB or Shady), through the zoo and across to Etna, up to Friday and down to Millvale, joining the earlier route.
Coming back has many options. If you still insist on climbing, there's Fineview, where you might catch a glimpse of our boy mayor. Then a nice leisurely descent to the rivers. Or maybe down to the prison and a sprint up Beaver (maybe you, not me). Then up one side or the other of the Mon, with a fine selection of climbs back up to SqHill.
2013-03-08 20:47:21
Forbes and Shady at 0800 hours this Sunday ?
2013-03-09 07:26:18
@byogman, you may or may not like this general route but I ride it, sometimes. Head upstream (to Shaler) and cross the bridge to Highland Park area (traffic through there can be fast, watch out) and bear right, back towards town. Then you can ride all the way to the Point area on any number of variations, cross back North and head home. I mostly go that way when I feel like rambling and maybe stopping for a beer or a bite of lunch somewhere. Now that Spring is upon us (and you're riding road tires!), you may want to check out a route up to North Park. I live in Ben Avon and include it on road routes sometimes in the warmer months; of course the Park has lots to ride, see or do. And when it's finally Summer again and you're up there, be sure to pinpoint the softserve ice cream stand!
2013-03-09 09:43:40
@Byogman, I forgot to add, study the general loop-type roads at Riverview Park, on Maps, and remember this. Riding counter-clockwise (on Park roads) will take you approximately 1.25 miles from the lowest point (West-side park entrance) to where the entrance to the Observatory driveway is. However, entering (again, from the West-side entrance) and turning left (generally clockwise) will put you on a slightly steeper, shorter climb (1.0) to the same spot. I mention this only in case you get there and feel like doing a few laps. RP is also home to some short but fun trail segments that are mostly wide and hardpacked. You could ride them with multi-terrain type tires, once it's better weather and they all loop back in to each other, somewhere...
2013-03-09 09:50:29
fultonco, yes, definitely riding, same place, starting same place, same time.
Tried waypointer in combo with google nav during the week and couldn't get it to work happily just yet so I'm going to keep it simple (up from the trail end around the old jail, straight down federal/perrysville) for the first go, unless someone who's done another route at least a couple times wants to join the ride and lead their preferred way.
2013-03-09 21:00:17
For what it's worth, you will be much happier making the climb, if you cycle to the prison, then ride through the bottom of Brighton to the West entrance of the park. I always go down Perrysville and it's a hell of a hill. I'll be interested to see how you like it...
2013-03-09 21:16:24
I'm not gonna make it tomorrow but when you get to the end of the trail make a right then another right and a quick left on Eckert to go under 65. At some point it turns into McClure. Make a right on woods run, go across Brighton, past the library, then when you get near the park you have to bear right then make a steep hard right (I think the park entrance sign is there)
2013-03-09 21:53:17
Here's a track... IIRC this was teamdecaf brucing me by like 5 min on T-o-R, then we rode back to town together.
2013-03-09 22:08:59
Rode outside for the first time in two months today. Tackled Sycamore, Flowers/Tesla and finally - Dornbush St.
Dornbush was a nasty little climb. The first part feels like its 30% then it "flattens out" to something closer to 10%.
Once I hit the summit of the hill a couple of neighborhood people stopped what they were doing and congratulated me. Felt awesome! Tokay St, which runs parallel to Dornbush looks just as intense, and is running the right way (I had to go UP the wrong way on dornbush - which is one way / down).
I will definitely be planning / leading a group road ride though the east hills, featuring the toughest climbs I have used to get ready for the dirty dozen.
2013-03-09 22:11:08
Val, was planning on approaching from the west.
Looks like Salty gave the same route I was planning.
BTW, Salty, nice to see you can cut over at 31st street that way. How friendly/unfriendly is that bridge would you say?
mrosswog, sounds like a heck of a ride, unexpectedly great moment to get cheered on by the neighbors like that. Am curious how you think Dornbush ranks among the dirty dozen. Not that I have any benchmark myself other than flowers/killborn/tesla, but I think it would be interesting to share with the group.
2013-03-09 22:57:14
I don't think you can take the 31st SB at all now. It used to be open to river ave but not to 28 so it was basically a giant bike lane - almost no traffic. But I'm pretty sure it is completely closed and impassible now. When it reopens it will probably be about as much fun as 40th SB which is to say not at all.
2013-03-09 23:04:39
AGH!! SO, my phone didn't adjust times last night (weird, my prior super el cheapo phone did). So, I'll be there at, ahem, 9am. Sorry folks. If nobody's there, I certainly understand.
2013-03-10 07:08:15
not sure if it really compares to any of the DD hills. It has a bit of personality on its own. It's definitely approaching the steepness of Boustead and canton. More like Boustead in that there is a second half that feels relentless even though its not long.
2013-03-10 09:07:38
So, there was a ride. Myself and Ahlir (who show up twice and I see actually sent me a PM last night speculating as to who might miss the boat owing to daylight savings (whoops)). He led a nice meandering course down to highland park (with a stopover in homewood), down along Butler street through Lawrenceville, crossing the Allegheny at the 40th street bridge and riding up Stanton. continuing Mt. Troy Road and Ivory Avenue past the cemetery. Did the descent mostly on North Charles street, which was a good angle and option to see. Return from downtown was via polish hill.
2013-03-10 12:07:34
Ok, so I just know now with passover cleaning starting in earnest, no way that I'll be able to ride next time (the 17th).
2013-03-11 17:38:27
OK, there was post I meant to put in to cancel the following two weeks too.
But back in the saddle again this Sunday for sure. Am thinking of going climbing again. Totally open about which hills. Suggestions?
2013-04-04 14:16:42
I don't have any response here, so I'm going to work the folks at my synagogue over shabbos. Got a couple people who might go.
Most likely starting/ending point would be Lubavitch Center (2100 Wightman street). Most likely time would be 9am not 8am.
But no guarantees on anything, there are just too many possibilities. Just come over if you don't mind starting your own solo riding there that day.
If folks from Synagogue do go it'll be a low key and likely pretty short ride. If not I'll probably just wander around and try and tackle some hills. But the third possibility which would leave you solo is that I may just try to ride with my girls down on the EFT.
2013-04-05 15:39:23