Randonneurs, retro-grouches, rainy-day commuters: lend me your ears. The Pittsburgh Randonneurs are putting together an order for snazzy black-n-gold Woolistic jerseys.
Details are available on the
Pittsburgh Randonneurs website; we're planning to finalize the order by the end of February or thereabouts.

[Edited to add:] Note that the actual gold color specified is a Pantone match for Stillers gold...think of it as "protective camouflage" for game-day cycling.
2013-02-19 12:55:39
Would it be acceptable for an old man who has a funny looking bike and goes about 8 mph for a "long trip" of 6 miles to wear such a jersey?
(Not that I know anyone like that or anything. Just asking.)
2013-02-19 13:10:03
Mick wrote:Would it be acceptable for an old man who has a funny looking bike and goes about 8 mph for a “long trip” of 6 miles to wear such a jersey?
Nope, not at all acceptable. You need to average at least
9 mph to be worthy (or, at least, to be a randonneur...)
However, the funny bike is, uh, not a problem.
2013-02-19 13:35:22
hmmm might be time to donate some blood plasma... ;)
I'm guessing that they are the looser "club fit?"
2013-02-19 14:27:34
Drewbacca wrote:hmmm might be time to donate some blood plasma… ;)
I’m guessing that they are the looser “club fit?”
I've not seen that distinction in the world of woolen jerseys, but the Woolistic jerseys I already own seem to be tailored for a straight torso rather than a tapered one. I have fairly broad shoulders and a deep chest (45-ish inches), and find that the XXL fits well.
If you choose the long sleeve, be aware that the sleeves are quite long...designed to provide full coverage even with arms extended.
2013-02-19 14:34:54
Any clue who sells woolistic jerseys in the area, for fit sake?
I'm a 42" chest and broad in the shoulders. I can squeeze into a 40" tweed jacket (but only if I cut the arms off LOL). Yet I might be swimming in the XL.
2013-02-19 15:20:58
Drewbacca wrote:Any clue who sells woolistic jerseys in the area, for fit sake?
I’m a 42? chest and broad in the shoulders. I can squeeze into a 40? tweed jacket (but only if I cut the arms off LOL). Yet I might be swimming in the XL.
I don't know if anyone stocks them locally...I think Dirt Rag ordered some. Desultory Googling for "woolistic jersey sizing" results in some references to them as cut snugly, and I've seen advice to order a size up.
You could also ask if anyone on the
Pittsburgh-Randos mailing list has one in L or XL...might be your best bet for a local trial fitting.
Given that it is wool, I suspect ordering large is wise, as it's easy enough to shrink 'em a bit in the wash. (And yes, they are nominally machine washable...I usually hand-wash mine anyway, but the care instructions say you can use the machine.)
2013-02-19 15:43:00
I have washed my all-city wool jersey but I won't put it in the dryer. It doesn't appear to have shrunk, but I think I only wash it once a month. Wool: it doesn't really smell!
2013-02-19 19:14:46
machine wash in cold, but dont even think of using a dryer,
roll it up in a towel (or some sham-wow's) for a bit, then dry flat.
2013-02-19 19:20:32
Sigh... I am 50 -- no size for me. :(
2013-02-20 16:17:14
I'm a lazy ass. I washed my all city jersey (cold/cold) and put it in the dryer on low with a bunch of other stuff. Pretty much what I do with all my cycling gear. No problems so far.
2013-02-20 16:33:00
Being lazy also means that I'm not washing it unless it really needs to be washed.
2013-02-20 16:41:27
Yeah I do cold/cold also. I also have only a black wool jersey with some white on it. I am wondering if the white wont be white for long.
2013-02-20 17:46:34
@Mikhail , check your PMs...XXXXL may be possible.
2013-02-21 09:29:51
Are the shoulder patches removable?
2013-02-21 09:30:18
cburch wrote:Are the shoulder patches removable?
The RUSA logo is embroidered directly; the WPW logo is a sewn-on patch.
2013-02-21 09:32:35
reddan wrote:@Mikhail , check your PMs…XXXXL may be possible.
Thanks. It should work. I'll think about it.
PS I should ask my wife if she could do it form me with "graffity" (she could without words). :)
2013-02-21 16:41:15
Last call is this Thursday night for orders and payment.
Get 'em while they're, uh, wooly.
2013-02-26 11:00:43
Dan- Just tried to submit an order, and I messed up.
1) Wanted XXL and hit XL. I now have 2 orders submitted. Would you please KEEP the XXL and CANCEL the order out there for the XL?
2) My paypal was hacked, and I can't use it anymore. Any way to get you the $$ sometime tomorrow? I work downtown. PM me with details of how I should proceed.
2013-02-27 17:22:04
Shawn, I am going to bike to Dan's work. :) I am busy at noon tomorrow (I have a meeting) so I am planning to start at 1:00 pm or a little bit earlier. I can stop in downtown and we can bike together. :) Tomorrow should be around 32F with 20% chances of precipitations.
How about at ELB and Smithfield Bridge (we need to go to the other side of the river and follow Three River Heritage Trail).
Ha-ha, we can even take lunch with us. :)
2013-02-27 18:07:32
@Mikhail- I'd love to but tomorrow is a terrible day. I'm a CPA, and it is month-end accounting close. I made arrangements with Dan, but thank you very much for the offer.
If you are riding by BNY Mellon on grant let me know. Perhaps you could deliver for me?
I'll pm you my cell.
2013-02-27 21:09:12
I don't remember seeing when these are supposed to come in. Does anyone know?
2013-03-24 09:10:07
Later April/early May, in theory.
2013-03-24 09:31:48
Just wanted to check on the status....
2013-06-17 12:12:35
Last heard from Woolistic a couple weeks ago...their embroidery machine was apparently damaged in shipping, and they were waiting for the factory service tech to fly in and work on it.
I'll harass Alex again this week, see if there's an update.
2013-06-17 14:37:48
Bump for info?
2013-07-29 16:19:32
Sure would be nice to have this by Pedal Pgh...
2013-07-29 16:37:25
Final payment went to Woolistic last week; they should be en-route now.
2013-07-29 17:52:25