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Are you deranged enough....

"To the guy on the bike... WTF??? Are you seriously deranged enough to ride a bike through downtown PGH on a day like today??... Today more then any other day I got a HUGE urge to open up my door up and watch him go sailing into a large snow bank... LOL!!! That would be hilarious! But seriously, WTF dude?"

This was the FB status of my best friends sister-in-law. Multiple people liked it. She's a total bitch, like just in general, but this made me sick. I'm so mad at this right now I'm almost laughing. I guess ignorance is bliss.

2011-01-21 15:23:01

The response would be, "Are you deranged enough to take a thirty-thousand dollar piece of equipment and go sliding into other thirty-thousand dollar pieces of equipment?"

Or my favorite, "Ignorance is bliss, which accounts for a lot of the smiling faces around here."

2011-01-21 15:27:16

It's amazing people have no compunction about driving in snowy weather but riding a bike in snow is dangerous, I actually had someone pull next to me while moving, 18 inches away. They roll their window down to tell me to "be careful", WTF, they were being sincere too.

2011-01-21 15:36:12

I don't have a facebook, but if I did;

"To the tens of thousands of people in cars stuck at a standstill in the various tunnels, highways, and bridges of western Pennsylvania last night, WTF? I mean, everybody knew this thing was coming for at least the last 48 hours, are you really that stupid? Whatever you do for work, unless you are an ER doctor, fireman, or a handful of other occupations, whatever you do is really not important enough for you to be out in those conditions. And if you are not capable of driving safely in those conditions, and you still choose to, you should probably just turn in your license, seriously, dudes and dudettes, wtf?"

2011-01-21 15:37:45

It was a beautiful night for a ride though, I had to stop my bike twice to help push autos. Ah the irony

2011-01-21 15:42:01

I REALLY hope you said something. Joking about such a malicious act isn't funny.

I don't think a lot of the people who joke around like this realize that cyclists frequently have their lives threatened.

2011-01-21 16:16:12

Actually, I think you should just say what Nick said.

"Joking about such a malicious act isn't funny.

I don't think a lot of the people who joke around like this realize that cyclists frequently have their lives threatened."

2011-01-21 16:25:16

i ended up driving in the nasty, due to the shuttle not running for the hours I had to work. Luckily I started out from Carberry AFTER all the stupid people, so traffic consisted of me and a handfull of other crazy people. The roads were nasty, I got up to a whopping 20mph on 79-279, on 376 I made it all the way up to 40 (in the tunnel). Not much slipping or sliding, but there were the occasional ditch divers who had over estimated their skill and coefficients of friction. I averaged about 25mph.

I got home faster in the blizzard than I would have driving in normal rush hour traffic on a sunny day, when I average less than 20mph.

I feel very deranged. Day by day I feel more and more deranged.

2011-01-21 16:44:12

Hilarious FB post.

And then there's this, from October in NY:

"A bicyclist was killed in a horrific accident today in Harlem, police said.

The rider, who was described only as a 27-year-old male, was in in the bicycle lane on East 120th Street about 20 feet before the intersection with 3rd Avenue at about 8 a.m. when tragedy struck.

That's when the driver of a parked 2008 Honda opened his car door, knocking the cyclist down into the street, police said.

Then, the rider was hit and killed by a passing Hino box truck,..."

And this: from Chicago in 2008: "A bicyclist was killed Monday night when he ran into the open door of a sport-utility vehicle on Chicago's Near North Side and was thrown into the path of oncoming traffic, police said.

Clinton Miceli, 22, of Wilmington, was riding in the 900 block of North LaSalle Drive about 6:50 p.m. when a driver opened the door of his vehicle parked along the street.

Miceli couldn't stop in time, police said. He struck the car door, was thrown from his bike and was run over by a passing vehicle that eventually stopped, authorities said.

Miceli suffered severe head injuries and was pronounced dead Monday night at Northwestern Memorial Hospital."

So, I guess opening that door in front of a bicycle isn't such a good idea after all. Darn, and it sounded like so much fun. Damn cyclists ruining our good laugh by dying. Bastards.

2011-01-21 18:44:23

@Bikelove2010 She's a total bitch

I like to find other terms for this sort of behavior

I keep hearing the boast "I'm such a bitch!" I dont' hear people otherwise boasting "I'm mean and dumb."

2011-01-21 19:01:35

I was probably that guy on the bike riding downtown this morning and say to her, "Are you seriously deranged enough to brag on a public forum about how hilarious it would be to assault me with your 2-ton vehicle?"

2011-01-21 19:30:42

I dont even want to relive what happened after I saw that. it got ugly.

@Mick- you're absolutely right, she's not a bitch. she's an ignorant, mean, careless, dumb, childish, selfish person who should not be aloud to drive.

@ everyone who told me something to say to her, I copied those and said "the cyclists you see riding around pittsburgh said..."

2011-01-21 22:58:04

@ ALMKLM i really appreciate those examples. and I posted them all over her wall for everyone to read.

i dont usually act like this but seriously this make me so mad i want her to look like a fool and hopefully open some peoples eyes about cycling.

2011-01-21 23:09:33