Two questions:
How do you define "Pittsburgh"?
How do we find out more, or sign up?
Participate in a playful Carnegie Mellon study exploring public air quality sensing with balloons! We assembled weather balloons that light up based on surrounding air quality. Help us place them around Pittsburgh! The study consists of three parts:
1. Meet us for a brief 30 minute-interview about your perceptions of public spaces and air quality. Receive awesome balloons enhanced with air quality sensors ($5 compensation)
2. Place and photograph balloons in public spaces around Pittsburgh. You do not need to return the balloons to us!
3. Return the images to us and meet for a brief interview (compensation $10)
Please contact Stacey ( if you are interested!
Two questions:
How do you define "Pittsburgh"?
How do we find out more, or sign up?
Thanks for your interest, you can sign up by emailing me directly:
As for defining "Pittsburgh", I could say that the neighborhoods on this map are in Pittsburgh
One could probably argue that there are some other locations outside the official city limits that, practically speaking, are still in 'Pittsburgh'...
Great. And thanks for the clarification on definition of Pittsburgh
Neat'd be fun to see the varying air quality representations around the city, and I'm kinda interested in the tech behind the balloons.
One area of mild concern, however: how do the balloons find their way home? No offense meant, but the idea of even well-intentioned littering does not appeal.
I wonder if the local hackerspace might be interested in collecting them for parts...