Also there is a great book reccomended, I think, by Lolly called the Real Cost of Free Parking, and several other studies that suggest all on street parking be $$$ and all off street, tucked away parking be free... that way our streets wont be as filled with "car storage" etc. I could talk about this forever, but, there ya go, letter writer.
Might be different from Lolly's book, but I enjoyed reading Donald Shoup's "The High Cost of Free Parking" ( when it first came out. (Now out in paperback!) One of his big bugaboos is the employees parking right in front of the storefront all day, rather than a series of paying customers. He's a big believer in performance-based pricing for parking, titrated to achieve 85% occupancy, or one out of eight spaces (one per block) free to avoid "cruising" for parking, increasing traffic congestion. He says this could mean free or very nominal parking in the middle of the night, for instance.
He also really hates vast oceans of suburban mall parking lots, or large off-street parking lots anywhere, which disrupt the urban fabric, making it more spaced out and less walkable, which encourages driving everywhere, which encourages more parking lots...
It's a heck of a read.