I commute from Brighton Heights to Oakland for work. I was coming up Bates this morning (8/24, 8:05am) and was almost hit by a University of Pittsburgh bus. He was so close to me that my left elbow almost touched the side of the bus. There was nowhere for me to go because the bus was on my left and parked cars were on my right. When I caught up to him at at stop, I told him he almost killed me, and he said "I almost killed myself." I have reported him to Pitt's Transportation office. But I just wanted to put it out there. These drivers hate cyclist, they hate that they have to slow down for us, or go around us. I get it. But I don't get having no remorse when you almost crush a woman on a bike with your big ass bus!
Bates Street is a direct link to the bike path, (from Oakland) yet, you take your life in your hands riding it. Who can help us get a bike lane on Bates Street?"
2016-08-24 08:18:44
I am very sorry you had to experience this. I would suggest to always take the lane on streets like Bates and make it impossible for a bus to pass you. There is no reason for him to pass you on a city street such as Bates especially if you catch up to him at the next stop.
2016-08-24 09:25:38
+1 sorry this happened to you. I've had poor experiences w/ Pitt mini-shuttle bus drivers at the intersection of Bates and Blvd of the Allies.
Honestly, I don't know if a dedicated lane would help on Bates due to the structure of the street. The parcel at the top at the corner of Bates and Blvd is set to be redeveloped and the initial drawings had some type of bike lanes (per my wife) that led to that intersection and stopped. There is supposed to be a major redesign and I believe there were some drawings to make that intersection a type of "entrance" to Oakland, which it is.
Descending on Bates is fine if there's no traffic, if there is, I take the sidewalk (which isn't ideal, either, due to the poles/hydrant/restricted segment near the bend). I'm not a particularly strong climber, so I take the sidewalk up, as well, though I've seen roadies/cyclocross looking guys climb it.
I don't know what the solution is for Bates, whether or not it could be widened or have other design measures implemented, because I agree with you that it's a major artery for cyclists to access EFT/Jail Trail from Oakland (which I do, every day).
2016-08-25 15:24:11
I seem to remember there was talk and maybe a website for a proposed trail down to EFT/Jail Trail from the Oakcliff section of South Oakland across from Bates.
Rock Alley.
2016-08-25 15:31:04
This reminds me of the story I wrote on this forum 8 years ago:
In addition to the dangerous intersection of Blvd of Allies and Bates, the design of the off-ramp of 376 also lacks consideration to pedestrians and cyclists. The motorists are supposed to stay behind the cross walk (or the lack thereof) before merging into the Bates St. But because of the merging angle and the visual obstruction from the nearby houses, most motorists stop in the middle of the cross walk, making it dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists to get across. Nevertheless, I've negotiated through this more than a thousand times in the past 10 years without any incidences.
Unfortunately, my luck ran out this past Wednesday. A motorist moved forward suddenly without checking her right and knocked me to the ground. I was fortunate that both myself and my bike were ok because the car was just starting from a halt. I have everything on my dash cam, and will post the video soon.
2016-08-26 13:49:02
I'm sorry this happened to you! And it is also one of my biggest fears coming up Bates. On my evening commute, after my run in with the Pitt shuttle on Wednesday morning, I took panther hollow to the Jail Trail. It took a little longer, but it was much less stressful....
2016-08-26 14:50:29
Last week, a pat bus cut me off. I was on hazelwood avenue coming towards the intersection with the Midas and the gas station. He was coming from one of the side streets, I think greenfield ave. he pulled right in front of me as I was coming down the hill. Luckily I have breaks. It wasn't as close as yours, but I definately had the right of way and if I didn't brake, I would've been hit.
I pulled up along side him and just sort of pointed back and mouthed (he couldn't hear me) "you cut me off." He sort of nodded and I didn't look at him anymore. I could've made a confrontation about it but I didn't. I'm used to close calls like this and I don't think it bothers me as much as it should. I thought about reporting it but I didn't.
2016-08-26 16:56:05
No doubt this will be frowned upon, but I have gone up the sidewalk on my bike. I yield to pedestrians because I am on their turf, but I am saving my life. It is what it is. Self preservation is important to me.
2016-08-29 12:19:12