A. http://www.spcregion.org/trans_pedbike_high.shtml
This will get the attention of Swalfoort of this very message board, who will relay it on to the proper party for resolution.
We've also been collecting them on this old thread.
Took a breakfast ride I've been wanting to take for a while, up the hill to eat at Hot Metal Diner on 837 in West Mifflin.
Coming back, on 837 North, on the new bridge built with stimulus money, I saw the worst bike-eating drain gratings I've ever seen.
Here's the location:
Here's the picture:
Q: Can anybody tell me who to call about this? It's in Hays, which I believe is different from Pittsburgh. There's 5 or 6 of them. It's an accident/injury waiting to happen.
A. http://www.spcregion.org/trans_pedbike_high.shtml
This will get the attention of Swalfoort of this very message board, who will relay it on to the proper party for resolution.
We've also been collecting them on this old thread.
The bridges recently repaired which cross streets run are penndot.
Thanks for posting this. PennDOT should know better. (They swear they DO know better, but then we see things like this....)
I'll get in touch with them on Monday. And, truth be told, there are some bridges that SHOULD be PennDOT's but are not. I should not malign PennDOT before I confirm the responsible party.