100% stoked. PAPA is incredible. they really hooked up the ride too.
Bicycle Times Ride to PAPA - World Pinball Championships
10am, Saturday Aug 14 at La Prima in the Strip.
This is a fun ride, but there is a substantial hill to get over on the way to Carnegie. We'll keep the group together, no worries about getting dropped.
I was at PAPA yesterday, my first time. W O W. Anyone with even a passing interest in pinball won't be disappointed.
Is that 10AM Saturday?
I'm definitely up for this ride. Any idea on the route yet or how much pocket change to bring?
Route will probably go over the Ft Pitt bridge (using the walkway), and over to Noblestownn Rd via the wonderful West End Circle.
Tokens are 4 for a dollar, most games are 2 tokens/3 balls.
Yes 10am Saturday, wish I could edit my first post.
edited it for you. yes i can change history
edited it for you. yes i can change history
Can you eliminate the Bush years in the White House?
gone. next request?
Say, is there a way to get a map of the route that's planned? I'm riding out for PAPA but will likely miss the actual ride mentioned here...
I'll see if I can embed a map here later tonight.
erok, does that type of html work?
hmmm. don't think so. it doesn't allow embedding of video, guess you could just link it
By all means, scout the route for the Carnegie Car Free Friday on August 20! (plug, plug)
woohoo, thanks!
All right, looks like this ride got more interesting, at least for me. Due to last minute conflicts, I'll be riding the route with my kids. Which might make me a little slower than normal.
65 pound bike, plus 70-80 pounds of kids, equals good times!
nice. this is gonna be a good day.
what's up.
definitely seems like we're gonna have a crowd for this one, lotta friendly faces been checkin in
see you folks in 12hours
shout out to Thick Bikes as much as Bicycle Times for helping make this ride happen, both last year and this.
Hey, I was starting from somewhere else, but was at PAPA when I exptected to see you all arrive. I might have seen Eric -- familiar face with two young kids, but didn't see anyone else, or any bikes outside. Did this ride TILT?
this ruled!
awesome ride, awesome people, endless free tokens, endless pinball and a screened t-shirt! yayyyy!
Good times on Saturday,
The ride to PAPA was not a hard as I expected and the kids were stoked. We parked all our bikes inside, in the back room of PAPA, which was full of pinball machines in various states of repair. My kids thought this was PAPA, and were even more stoked to walk through the doors into the real deal.
My ladyfriend showed up with car, we left for a few hours to hang out with friends at the beach a Raccoon Creek, and came back to PAPA for a few more games. Kids went home in the car, I went home on the bike. I was absolutely shot getting home, arrived just in time for the rain to start. Recharged a bit on Klondike bars and Dale's Pale Ale.
A good day from beginning to end.
This was an awesome day...it might be the most magical place on Earth. Thanks to all who made this possible!!!!!
yeah, thank you. one of my favorite events of the year.