I enjoy taking snapshots around this beautiful city when I'm outriding around. Occasionally I even get a good shot, too. I'd like to use this thread for any amateur photogs to post cool photos from around town. Photos of whatever, just try to make it a cool-looking shot. I'd enjoy video segments too, if someone wanted to post any good ones.
In the spirit of such, is there any way to simplify posting photos, like a button or something? HTML stuff is cool if you're a programmer geek but I just like to bike. And if Facebook can make it easy as hell, why can't this site? Does Bike PGH not have a dedicated tech guy, for streamlining this stuff?
2013-04-10 11:57:08
I posted a short how-to in that other thread. There's also a brief thing below. In short, upload to someplace else, get the URL, and put it in the quotes after src. The alt bit is optional. Use less-than and greater-than instead of the square brackets shown here.
[img src="" alt="" /]
2013-04-10 12:02:23
That Stu, he's a helpful guy!
2013-04-10 12:08:11
Forgot that title is the one that shows up when you mouseover, alt is when the image can't be displayed. Stu deserves his caption:
2013-04-10 12:12:31
Not sure if title attribute got kicked out or I just copy pasted from the wrong place. Trying again:
2013-04-10 12:15:26
OK, don't bother with the title attribute I guess. A shame, a nice easy way to do captions if you're doing free form html
I wouldn't bother with alt necessarily... it's just something that gets shown if the image doesn't come through.
In terms of linking an image, if you use chrome you can right click and copy image address and that's what you stuff inside the quotes on the src attribute.
2013-04-10 12:19:08
National Tunnel, Montour Trail, Wednesday 2013-04-10 at 81F.
2013-04-10 16:13:12
Thanks, gentlemen! I'll see if I can figure that out. And Vannevar, cool pic, too! It looks like that particular trip through the tunnel was kind of hazardous. :)
2013-04-10 16:57:40
Test fire... this one's for Vannevar; I know he knows this spot.
2013-04-10 17:09:09
Back to the drawing board...
2013-04-10 17:09:32
2013-04-10 17:11:16
Like I said, why in the hell can't it be simpler? Making users do a bunch of html, when it could be rigged with just a button seems so... nineties.
2013-04-10 17:12:39
This shit would never fly, in Portland...
2013-04-10 17:13:20
I haven't tried it, but there is a button. I'm on a PC, not a hand-held device, but on my screen, immediately above the box I am typing in, is a tiny icon. If I hover over it, it says "Image".
Let's see if I can make it fly. I go up to the image of the tunnel, above, right click, grab the URL. OK, now I left-click on the little icon.
2013-04-10 17:27:13
...then I pasted the URL in the box it provided, and clicked "Apply Image".
Is that any closer to what you wanted?
2013-04-10 17:28:14
Stu, I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything but... you just completed me. I am a slow learner but in my defense, I have NEVER even noticed that icon before.
This shot is for all you Rocky Bottoms Fans!
2013-04-10 17:35:18
WHO recognizes this spot?
2013-04-10 17:39:09
You can also use that button to upload the picture and create the HTML in one go.
2013-04-10 18:20:40
This is my favorite spot in all of Riverview Park. I can occupy the high ground and check out the woods around me. The deer communed with me regularly here during the winter, I even serenaded them a couple times. No, Riverview's nothing fancy but it's one of my favorite places to have fun, on a bicycle.
2013-04-10 20:41:52
Trying out the button without going through flickr.
What happens when I get farther to the right than is practicable, particularly after a storm.
2013-04-11 15:18:10
@stu I haven’t tried it, but there is a button. I’m on a PC, not a hand-held device, but on my screen, immediately above the box I am typing in, is a tiny icon. If I hover over it, it says “Image”.
I'm on a PC, with IE 8 and I see no such icon above where I'm typing???
2013-04-11 15:44:11
@Mick, it's that teeny little icon right at the Top Left of the text box you're typing your messages in...
2013-04-11 16:53:57
edit: the "tiny icon" works for me
2013-04-11 16:59:44
Icon doesn't seem to be there at all for me.
2013-04-11 18:13:07
This shot is from the famous San Juan Trail, located North of the Ortega Highway in the San Juan Mountains, in sunny Southern California. 11.9 miles up and back down. Watch out for Mountain Lions, they're out there with you. :)
2013-04-11 19:55:36
It's this little guy. At least that's what it looks like in Chrome.
Edit: and the button works! what a nice improvement from the old board
2013-04-12 07:54:24
This building always catches my eye as I pedal by, and I wonder what in the hell kind of shop they had here...
2013-04-14 17:02:05
I don't really know how to take a good picture but I thought this was pretty neat.
2013-04-14 20:21:08
@frisbee -Holy Shizznit! When did Mr. Rogers start rocking the fishnet look!? Don't tell me you crocheted that thing, then rode down there and put it on him, just for this pic. That's what i call an Over-Achiever!
2013-04-14 21:03:17
That picture is from a year (or two?) ago, I am not sure who gave him his nice sweater.
2013-04-15 06:48:10
At least it wasn't tights...
2013-04-15 09:04:38
not having much success getting my image in here- I am not totally computer illiterate, but almost. Will keep trying.
2013-04-16 16:44:04
not yet.
2013-04-16 16:47:51
Helen, I had to ask for help repeatedly. Are you on a monitor? And if so, when you start typing in this text box, a tiny icon is right up at the top left corner of the box, under the word 'Reply'.
I was able to click it, then click Upload Image and select directly from iPhoto. Hope it works out for you.
2013-04-16 19:04:13
Here's my post-Zombie Apocalypse Bike. This thing is ready to go the distance, comfortably. This shot from last week's jaunt to WV (almost!) and back.
2013-04-16 21:09:09
This was a tricky one to pull off but I liked the results!
2013-04-17 20:06:40
2013-04-18 12:11:41