2013-07-02 11:34:50
No skid marks, damage to right side of car only, passenger window is down as if there was a passenger (witness) inside smoking.
Any pictures of the bike? Which wheel is crushed? Front, back?
Things that make me say hmmmm?
I feel bad for everyone involved but I just hope the "darting in and out of traffic" excuse/debate does not become the new "I didn't see him"
In a multiple lane road, it is hard to believe that even the smallest sign of evasion was not possible. No matter who was at fault.
2013-07-02 12:25:35
The link has been updated with pictures of the bike in a video. It sounds like a big risk taker on the bike and possibly was drunk, but I wonder if the car was speeding? I think that is another question that needs to be answered as well. Of course no one cares about speeding in our region. I never understood that. Sadly that guy is going to lose his leg it sounds like. Man, that is a real shame.
2013-07-02 12:40:52
According the P-G, there's video of the crash, and the guy on the bike is clearly at fault. Mercifully, the comments don't appear to be enabled.
2013-07-02 14:24:01
p.leon wrote:No skid marks, damage to right side of car only, passenger window is down as if there was a passenger (witness) inside smoking.
Any pictures of the bike? Which wheel is crushed? Front, back?
Things that make me say hmmmm?
I feel bad for everyone involved but I just hope the “darting in and out of traffic” excuse/debate does not become the new “I didn’t see him”
In a multiple lane road, it is hard to believe that even the smallest sign of evasion was not possible. No matter who was at fault.
Well, I use Mansfield Blvd pretty often. It just before RR Xsing and bridge. If you go South-West-West there is no side walk on a bridge and the only way to get of side walk is to ride into traffic
different pictures

I would say it's consistent with getting of sidewalk. :(
PS I do not smoke but very often open windows like on the picture.
2013-07-02 14:50:49
gg wrote:but I wonder if the car was speeding?
Speed limit is 35 on this road. It's one block away from traffic light and just as you cross the bridge there is another traffic light. So it depends. I saw cars going there over 40, I saw cars going 25.
2013-07-02 14:54:31
Yeah, as more details roll in I have to retract my suspicions.
"Darting in and out of traffic and hoping sidewalks" seemed opportunist and has been a popular attack in comment sections everywhere.
2013-07-02 14:56:57
Its also been stated that the authorities have had interactions with this individual previously.
So while personal actions have brought direct harm to an individual, we are all now going to feel the wrath of the "one bad apple spoiling the bunch" effect.
It is advised to just skip all comments sections on this one, save the blood pressure and move along.
2013-07-02 16:12:12