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Bicyle Pararde

Just announced: Bicycle Parade down Penn ave.

Sponsored by the Geek Arts and Green Innovators Festival. Friday April 2nd, around 7pm. There are a lot of details TBD any volunteer help would be appreciated. PM if your interested.

2010-03-05 12:19:35

cool keep us updated on any details or images flyers, etc. we can help get the word out.

2010-03-05 14:40:43

My response is much the same as Erok's

2010-03-05 15:36:34

Encourage families to participate! It's good opportunity to show the range of bicyclists we have in PGH.

2010-03-05 18:57:45

After a meeting with Sen. Jim Ferlo a route has been finalized. The parade will start at the Kingsley center around 6 pm and finish around 7 next to Spak bros were there will be prizes, refreshments and Fixie kids doin trix. Looking for someone to construct some sort of Float to lead the Parade, any volunteers?

2010-03-07 04:05:20

This excites me. Hope we don't get surprise-snow that day.

2010-03-07 17:16:30

Parade to be held rain or shine, or snow, hope people show, thought I might see a little more interest on a bicycle forum, Oh, that's right last time I was here the discussion was about what type of car you drive. I'm gonna go ride a bike.

2010-03-07 18:07:17

Sounds cool.


2010-03-07 18:50:49

Ha ha. Seriously, it's the weekend.

If you want to people to take you seriously, spell the name of the thread correctly and provide us with a webpage or flyer with some real info. Linking to a Facebook page that links off to a page that tells me to "Scroll down and click on "OLDER POSTS" for more info!" is not going to get me excited.

2010-03-07 20:38:17

In regards to the Facebook page the current and first post is the Parade sponsor G.A.G.I. The third post down is a link to the map of the parade route.

You can ride a bike but it's difficult to scroll down half a page, alright. I'm not designing websites I'm organizing a Parade. If you'd like to volunteer some time, great, maybe you could construct a better website. If just want to criticize my efforts, respectfully. keep it to yourself.

2010-03-07 21:38:05

I drive a car everywhere remember? Or did you forget the part where you criticized the board because no one showed any interest?

Just link straight to the Facebook event. I was going to create one but realized you already did it.

Good luck with the parade.

2010-03-07 22:32:21

Wow timito your a real jerk to people. Personally I think you should go have your parade by yourself. Why would I want to come ride with you when you have such a bad attitude?

2010-03-07 23:54:53

Yeah Willie I'm a real Jerk, and I'm promoting a Bicycle Parade, your such a sweetheart, You wanna do it?

2010-03-08 00:52:56

My criticism was actually disappointment in coming to a bike forum and finding the members disusing cars. There's plenty of automotive discussion forums.

2010-03-08 00:58:45

It should be noted that in the history of this message board, scores of events have been planned, organized, and promoted, including (but not limited to) alleycats, sanctioned bike races, clinics, brevets, fun rides, fundraisers, and even Critical Mass(!), and never before has one of those devolved into a flame-war.

As others have pointed out, it is a fine weekend, and this board is traditionally quiet on the weekends. Thread traffic is also not indicative of event turn-out--I've seen barely discussed rides have fantastic turn-outs. Don't assume radio silence means everyone thinks your idea sucks. If you think you have a great idea for a kick-ass event, then run with it (and given that you have sponsors for this ride, apparently at someone else thinks it's a good idea). Spend your time planning for an event that people will enjoy, rather than sniping with people on this board.

2010-03-08 01:56:26

Hey timito when i first looked at your thread earlier in the week about the parade I thought it was a good idea and planned on going. I didn't feel the need to broadcast my plans on attending. After seeing how you jumped on everyone on the board because there wasn't a bunch of excitement over your ride I decided I shouldn't support it. Try being a little less abrasive in the future and I am sure more people will attend.

2010-03-08 04:09:50

Yeah, this sounded like fun when I first saw the post, but do I have to be angry to be in it?

2010-03-08 04:24:05

Interesting I put up a post promoting a Bicycle Parade, one guy responds HA HA, then proceeds to criticize my efforts, the link isn't good enough, he can't find the info because you have to scroll have a page down. You wanna help, then post a link, thanks, You want to critique my efforts, please PM me.

2010-03-08 12:18:12

This thread, contains the Sponsors name G.A.G.I., the date April 2nd, the time approximately 6 pm, The route, start at the Kingsley center then E. Liberty bike way, Left on Negley, Right on Penn. It also contains a confusing link. If this is not enough info then PM me your address and I'll personally send you a map and a flier.

2010-03-08 13:21:43

wow, what's with all the negativity dudes?

2010-03-08 13:30:27