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Bigelow Blvd

Does this "Complete Streets" thing include Bigelow Blvd. inbound from Craig St. to Downtown? Bigelow Blvd Complete Streets
2017-11-08 20:47:32
Nope! This joint meeting hosted by the University of Pittsburgh and the City is focused on Bigelow Boulevard between Fifth Avenue and Forbes Avenue. The plan is to improve the roadway for all users, including the thousands of university students, faculty, and others who bike and walk. It will compliment the existing temporary and future planned changes to the Forbes Avenue corridor from Pitt through Carnegie Mellon University. Hersh Merenstein Office of Councilman Dan Gilman
2017-11-08 21:31:44
I can think of four good ways to get to and from that part of town to downtown other than Bigelow: 1, straight out Centre; 2, a P1 (or 86 or 88 or 77) bus to Herron Ave and hike it up the steps; 3, Penn Ave bike lane to 16th, wiggle over to Spring Way, then cross Liberty to climb 28th St; 4, like 3 but climb the Harding Way stairs. I see no benefit to foisting ourselves into traffic on that road, going either direction.
2017-11-09 23:08:55
@Just that one block! I think it is ok the way it is except for the DZBLs. I think traffic calming between Downtown and Craig St. is more important because even motorists have been killed there as well as the nearby neighborhoods and pedestrian crossings/bus stops.
2017-11-10 12:59:47
did they make the presentation available anywhere? I'd be curious to see the plan.
2017-11-10 14:14:03