Bike carting a canoe SUCCESS
saturday was a good day...
towed it to 40th st, paddled down to 6th st. parked at kayak pittsburgh, walked to town, ate an eggplant sandwich, paddled back east (saw saltm513 on an abandoned boat), docked at the island, then back to 40th.
Holy cow, that's fantastic. What kind of carrier did you use?
that was just an old kid carrier that i strapped to the back with some ratchet straps
This is super awesome. Just in time for bike/canoe biathlons for Bike Fest.
Excellent, I was actually wondering if you could puss a canoe/kayak with a trailer.
How were the reactions you got?
most just pointed and laughed. i didn't have far to go, from 49th to 40th, all back streets. i think i saw one moving vehicle the whole time.
the biggest worry was needing to take WIIIIIIIIDE turns
too cool man. too cool.
Now I'm thinking that a bike rack for a pickup truck bed could fit in a canoe as well. Bimodal!
You better not go over any humps in the road with that bad boy
awesome. the next step is trailering a boat that can carry a bike easily... then you can go anywhere!
thanks to kayak pgh and ted for watching our canoe.
the private club dock near right by nature which we tried to dock at (so we could go to the grocery store and come right back!) was not so welcoming. yacht club types and bike/canoe punx don't mix, who knew!
the snotty yacht club dude actually dangled a pair of keys in front of my face and said, "you'll need THESE to get back in."
i should have snatched them and ran like in the 80's movies. *cue "love is a battlefield"*
canoe punx?
awesome. the next step is trailering a boat that can carry a bike easily...
This link, slides #5 and 10. Well, maybe not 5. But it's the thought that counts.
That's really cool! Congratulation! My grandpa used to do this 50 years ago, and the little carrier is still in his basement. He would put his bike in the canoe, though. I don't really see what prevents you from doing it??
Now, I really want to give it a try next time I visit the family's house.
I think the problem with putting his bike in the canoe is that his cargo bike is almost as long as the canoe.