I nominate Stu and Swalfoort, they're the real deal. You must submit!
bike commuters needed for Verdure Magazine
If you're a bike commuter and are up to a photo shoot and telling your story, shoot us an email at bikes@verduremagazine.com Check out our website for a view of the commuter of the month!
I think they would need a 2-page spread to describe Stu's commute.
That would be a good article on multimodal, that's for sure. I don't know how well that topic gets covered.
Thanks for the nod edmonds, but I am hardly the real deal. I get extra cred for the combined age and distance, perhaps, but my role is mostly as enabler.....as in if I can do it, ANYONE can do it.
I nominate Stu, but I think there needs to be a picture of him with his family. After meeting his daughter, Stu is even more interesting.
That was my point exactly. Their first "victim", a 20 y.o. hipster commuting from the South Side to town? Uh, yeah, of course. I don't want to dump on the guy, good for him, but it's kind of like telling a 180 lb 6 foot tall 15 year old, "hey, you should try this football thing i've heard about..."
I wanna see John Leguizamo interview Aaron, the Bumper Bike dude.
I don't think the point is to feature "extreme" commuters. Most commuters will probably cycle less than 5 miles around here. I say we should celebrate each and every person who chooses to make their bike their main mode of transportation, "hipster" or not.
Yes, egats, exactly. To clarify, this column is absolutely intended to celebrate the diversity of the commuting community in the area. The link to our site shows the 2nd rider in the series; we're looking for the 3rd and beyond. Got a lot of emails from the post today, thanks for the ideas and the nominations!