Nice! We like photos of bike commuters!
2010-10-20 23:13:12
One of Bike Pgh's newest members is in today's Post Gazette's photo of the day gallery. and #5!
Nice! We like photos of bike commuters!
That's me!
I'm trying to get up the gumption to bike commute in the cold and rain. But days like yesterday (and today)? Dang. How could I not?
in the cold, biking keeps you warm. in the rain... biking is just fun. you are awesome for going forest hills -> oakland, that's quite a corridor.
Thanks! It is a great workout. And only about 10 minutes longer (each way) than driving. So I'm fitting a big workout into just 20 extra minutes each day.
Ardmore feels dangerous; the rest of it is just kind of grim.