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bike lane laws

I was riding down Liberty in Bloomfield tonight, and as per usual there was no shortage of cars entering the bike lanes to pass left-turning cars. Certainly that is illegal, right? Well, it struck me that I had never seen an actual law about bike lanes, and my efforts to search for one came up with nothing. The closest thing I see is § 3309 (3) about "Lanes limited to specific use". Is that it, or is there a more specific law?

Has such a law ever been enforced? The situation there is pretty ridiculous.

Next, I saw a car well ahead of me trying to park. It would have been a non-issue except the dumbass parked so he was blocking over half the bike lane. Naturally I was worried about squeezing through and possibly getting doored, so I moved over into the traffic lane. I should have taken the lane because of course the prick behind me couldn't wait 5 seconds and squeezed right past, almost certainly violating the 4 foot law in the process.

2013-01-16 00:25:54

Liberty is the worst. Between Winebiddle and the GetGo there? I always make sure to take my sweet sweet time in the bike lane there when it's busy. People tend to drive that whole shoulder/bike lane a block or more to pass lines of cars or cars stopped at lights. It's insane.Usually slow traffic but wreckless nonetheless.

2013-01-16 00:54:08

I can't find anything other than 3309(3) either.

2013-01-16 01:37:03