Hanukkah comes absurdly early this year, which is a promising for the weather of second edition of the bikes join the car menorah parade, ride. Want to build on the success of the first ride and make this just one of those great, quirky Pittsburgh things.
The ride will (most likely) be the evening of Monday December 2nd starting at Lubavitch Center (corner of Hobart and Wightman in squirrel hill) and winding its way in roundabout fashion toward a heated tent with light snacks and entertainment in Schenley Plaza.
The permitting is not finalized, so I have to say most likely and can't give a time yet. But that's logistics, will update this thread as they solidify. Our invitation to the parade is solid, our presence was and is welcome. And we will ride as a formal part of the parade, with police escort. Hopefully the earlier calendar date will help us, but the ride will proceed in any weather that doesn't cancel the parade for the cars.
I want to encourage anyone and everyone to attend. The absurdly slow pacing length and police escort make this accessible to all comers. Much will be the same as in
last year's thread., but all questions are good questions, so please ask away!
I apologize for posting a ride without everything totally nailed down, but wanted to give a good bit of lead time for menorahs. You're welcome to ride without of course, the more the merrier, but it was cool to see the projects come together last year and I think there can be more this year with the better lead time. So please, use this as a forum for design discussions and share your menorahs as they come together.
2013-10-14 09:06:39
This was fun last year, I'll prob do it again.
2013-10-14 11:27:06
Hope to see you there again Marko, and thanks again for corking those intersections!
For those on the fence, one thing to note is the low cost of a low end string of 10 lights, which was the most common lighting platform.
And no, that you don't have to be religious (or Jewish, for that matter) to join. It's a just nice opportunity to commune with friends, neighbors and fellow cyclists and celebrate religious freedom, and light up a dark evening with some silly fun.
2013-10-14 12:25:30
Actually, for those who work downtown or live in squirrel hill, if I get, say, 10-20 folks who want, I'll do a bulk order of the lights from
http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/. I'll eat the shipping, throw in a C cell battery to power it if you don't have, and what the heck, I'll deliver it too as long as it's not a pain in my schedule (you can also PM me for my cell and pick up from either location more or less any work/non-work time respectively). So, max convenience and it's all yours for the low, low price of 2.50 (or 2.49 if you have the pennies)
Can you tell I'm really itching for a good turnout and a lot of menorahs? Yeah...
2013-10-14 12:48:19
This was a blast last year and we were really made to feel welcome. Plus the after-snacks were great. If you're at all a bike-light geek, then the "festival of lights" is like bike light nirvana (which is probably a mixed-religion metaphor). I'm really looking forward to this.
2013-10-14 14:21:39
2013-10-14 14:22:14
I do plan to use the baby carrier to mount a bigger menorah this year. I won't be sporting quite so epic a beard, but I think some lubavitch community members will fill in on that :)
2013-10-14 14:27:08
I'm in on the group light order. I work downtown. Shouldn't be too hard to find me.
2013-10-14 17:50:12
Latkes before / after? Need those carbs!
2013-10-15 12:29:07
Latkes come after, in Schenley Plaza. This is about un-strenuous a ride as they come. The closest you get is probably just returning to the start, climbing Oakland to Squirrel Hill for which I'll lead whoever wants, slowly, up Schenley Drive. So the fuel-up comes at the right time.
2013-10-15 12:53:06
This was a very nice event last year. So many people along the route were cheering and waving and just enjoying the festivities. It was a very slow paced ride that I think would be perfect for bringing along the whole family. Intersections were blocked off and I think anyone would have a very good time.
I'm looking forward to this, Ben. Thanks for including us. I may have to modify last year's menorah - I'll have to look at it and see.
2013-10-16 12:23:25
glad it's pushed back--i was worried i would be out of town, since i'm usually away for two weeks in november, including thanksgiving. if i go up to my parents' for THX, i'll've just got back on the 1st.
in for the lights, regardless, 'cause, well, why the hell not.
2013-10-16 12:51:09
Just FYI to all, date, time and route now a settled matter:
Monday December 2nd
Start: Corner of Hobart and Wightman in squirrel hill
End: Schenley Plaza
Route (not quite 4 miles)
Return to start (just over 2 miles)
Both rides will be absurdly slow, welcoming to all comers.
The timing on the return ride is total informal, whenever it seems like most people want to go, that's when I'll go. No need to do the return ride if you're comfortable solo or you're going elsewhere.
2013-10-18 11:06:44
Working on my Bike-Menorah version 2.0! Last year's was ok, but I think I can do better.
2013-10-20 17:16:43

First of 9 lights for the huge lawn / ridiculous bike menorah (UPS to power it in mobile use cases). It's actually a nice teardrop shape and only 40 watt, but I light the overexposed awesomeness of this picture.
I went a little nuts and bought 50 ft. of lamp coord. This thing will be BIG. Haven't finalized spray-painted PVC (probably 1 1/2 inch, socket nests nicely and easy to get all the parts) vs. square aluminum tubing... depends if I can strong-arm a friend who's a welder and figure out how to put a round peg in a square hole.
I also bought both plugs and switches X 10 (9 + 1 for the inevitable mistake). I'll probably basically do one or the other and return the rest. Switches are more convenient and cooler, and in principle you can wire a parallel circuit here for multiple lights per plug, I'm just not sure how many per plug and how that depends on source and bulb. Time to do a little basic E & M review!
Next weekend, hopefully, will have a monster menorah to share.
2013-11-04 17:13:07
By the way, if anyone doesn't see the picture, please let me know. Shared through a google plus post, right click copy image url. I hope that's visible for all. I think that's what I did last year with the menorah picture. Anyways, tells you how much I do this stuff.
2013-11-04 17:24:14
FYI, we will not be alone in Pittsburgh this holiday season mounting menorahs to bikes (or again, you don't have to do that... foil covered cardboard sword (of which I have 8 already made) would make you a fine Maccabee).
The disease has spread to
San Francisco.
Hooray! Now we just need to make ours bigger, right :) Can we do that?
2013-11-05 10:31:18
2013-11-05 10:32:37
way to be a trendsetter!!! :D
2013-11-05 13:13:13
Trendsetter is definitely a weird word for me.
About the lights order. The 10ct string seemed to disappear from christmaslightsetc... so got from Walmart website at 2.99 per. I unfortunately didn't have the volume to merit the case of batteries with associated discount, so I hope folks are cool getting their own.
My plan is to start distributing Sunday Nov 17 for the folks in Squirrel Hill and environs and Monday Nov 18 for folks downtown and environs and/or if there's a downtown lunch meetup I'll try and use that.
2013-11-08 14:44:45
I plan to do the ride with my daughter, as long as its not raining. And I'm in for a couple of sets of lights.
We're looking forward to the ride, and hopefully there will be a good turnout.
2013-11-08 15:19:18
byogman wrote:Trendsetter is definitely a weird word for me.
We can also call it God acting through you, if you are more comfortable with that statement. I think it's cool that you are doing this!
2013-11-08 15:35:12
Since I'm not of the faith, can I ask how many candles should be lit on the day of the ride? I was very confused last year because some of the cars had all of the lights on their menorahs turned on while others had only a few, and not always the same number. I thought it might be a trap to get us into a religious conversation - similar to the half-hour discussion I recently had with Yal about how the Jewish calendar works.
2013-11-08 16:20:47
Marko82 wrote:Since I’m not of the faith, can I ask how many candles should be lit on the day of the ride? I was very confused last year because some of the cars had all of the lights on their menorahs turned on while others had only a few, and not always the same number. I thought it might be a trap to get us into a religious conversation – similar to the half-hour discussion I recently had with Yal about how the Jewish calendar works.
Being a member of the tribe, I can vouch that Jews never try to convert no nJews. conversion is actually really hard to do and requires someone going to a rabbi 3 times and asking to convert before the process starts.
2013-11-08 17:57:20
Marko82 wrote:Since I’m not of the faith, can I ask how many candles should be lit on the day of the ride?
Ordinarily, it's one for each night elapsed in the holiday, including the current evening--so one on the first night, two on the second, etc.--plus a center candle (which is always lit, and is used to light the others). The first night this year is Weds., 11/27, so Mon 12/2 will be night 6.
Marko82 wrote:I thought it might be a trap to get us into a religious conversation
This would be a strange and awkward concept for most Jews. Except in certain segments, proselytizing is Just Not Done, and as edronline says, conversion is intentionally difficult even for those who actually want to do it.
2013-11-08 18:04:00
So that's 6+1 Thanks.
The other bit was my attempt at humor (failed) . For the record I actually enjoy learning about other's faith & traditions and everyone treated us non's very graciously and welcoming last year. I hope I didn't offend anyone. My apologies if I did.
2013-11-08 18:35:47
I have a friend who converted... I get a kick out of it every time I see his long beard, his long RED beard.
I'll never forget how he managed to load several gigabytes of pdfs onto his playstation portable thingy while we were in the navy. He found time to read sections of the Midrash for at least an hour daily... while in the process of conversion. Not sure if it was required, but it certainly didn't hurt.
2013-11-08 19:42:00
buffalo buffalo wrote:
Marko82 wrote:Since I’m not of the faith, can I ask how many candles should be lit on the day of the ride?
Ordinarily, it’s one for each night elapsed in the holiday, including the current evening–so one on the first night, two on the second, etc.–plus a center candle (which is always lit, and is used to light the others). The first night this year is Weds., 11/27, so Mon 12/2 will be night 6.
Marko82 wrote:I thought it might be a trap to get us into a religious conversation
This would be a strange and awkward concept for most Jews. Except in certain segments, proselytizing is Just Not Done, and as edronline says, conversion is intentionally difficult even for those who actually want to do it.
In actuality, the very religious like the Chabad try to convert people like Drewbacca and myself who are already Jewish to become more religious. That's why they stand outside the Giant Eagle in Squirrel Hill with their tefillin and that's why I keep my head down and keep on walking.
2013-11-08 21:26:33
edronline wrote:
In actuality, the very religious like the Chabad try to convert people like Drewbacca and myself who are already Jewish to become more religious. That’s why they stand outside the Giant Eagle in Squirrel Hill with their tefillin and that’s why I keep my head down and keep on walking.
I'm not Jewish (to my knowledge). It could be that I just don't know it yet! :D Honestly, that's something that I need to investigate one of these days.
2013-11-08 21:35:13
Marko, I'm not sure on my string of lights that I can disconnect any individual lights without losing the array - so I'm probably running all of them illuminated. If it screams "shegetz", so be it.
In case anybody's uncertain, just fwiw: the invitation for bicyclists is non-prosletyzing. They have a celebration car-parade, they've invited us to ride along, we all think that's kind of kicky - and it lets us ride with our friends who usually can't make the Friday evening or Saturday morning rides. Mega-kudos to Ben for setting this up.
For the cyclists, as long as we know that it's significant for them and we know that it's not appropriate to show up with Christmas displays, it's just a fun short night bike ride, a very different (and welcoming) scene than we usually see. People will cheer for you. And snacks after.
If you weren't at last year's ride, rest easy that nobody's going to be giving you tracts, trying to get your contact info, or anything like that. It's a very relaxed and fun event, and our hosts were extremely gracious to us last year. I think the rabbis were as amused to see us, as we were amused to be there, it was that kind of a thing.
2013-11-09 13:15:57
My Better Half is surprised his shiksa is considering this... he stopped inviting me to attend Temple with him because I almost always fall asleep during services.
Sounds like fun!
Ben, may I pester you for a set of lights?
2013-11-09 14:41:52
RustyRed, you just reserved a set (or two if your husband can be roped into the silliness). BTW, disco ball? Just had to ask.
Please nobody worry about having the technically correct number of lights lit. Last year, we all rode with them all ablaze, as did seemingly most cars.
2013-11-09 18:21:01
...proselytizing is Just Not Done, and as edronline says, conversion is intentionally difficult even for those who actually want to do it.
Is that why I get along with so many Jews, and have been at loggerheads with so many so-called Christians?
Looking forward to hooking up lights to the Redline. How many of what size battery should I show up with?
2013-11-11 17:05:14
byogman wrote:RustyRed, you just reserved a set (or two if your husband can be roped into the silliness). BTW, disco ball? Just had to ask.
Awesome, thanks!
Hubby's still currently my 'non-biking spouse'. I'm working on changing that though. I actually have him interested in taking a trip to FreeRide to see what sort of beaters they have.
...and no disco ball (yet).
2013-11-11 18:18:54
In answer to the battery question, a pair of C cells.
I actually did just get some (7 pair), just not quite so many as lighting kits (10).
If you already have and can use your own that's good, but if you don't, don't feel bad about asking.
2013-11-12 08:53:25
So, I won't have a Menorah, but would pretty white or blue lights around the bike work?
By the way, Looks like I am in for this ride as well! Woot!
2013-11-22 20:21:18
Dang, Hanukkah decorations are REALLY hard to find! >:(
2013-11-22 20:49:25
Yeah, we're a SMALL minority.
FaunaViolet, blue and white lights are great. Anyone who wants can have a macabbee "sword" if they want, pics in last year's thread.
I also do have more 10 (hide one) light kits if you're interested. Lotta ways forward from there.
2013-11-23 17:56:37
Nine Days until the Menorah ride.
I've posted a Facebook page about the event:
Please feel free to forward that to anybody you think might be interested. Thanks!
2013-11-23 18:01:48
Had my first ride with menorah for the year.
This thing:
Foil wrapped and strapped to my helmet.
The double takes were excellent.
BTW, there's another Menorah lighting at the city county building Wednesday November 27 at 4:45.
I plan to be there, if anyone wants to join and ride around a bit afterward I think that would be great fun.
2013-11-25 09:26:45
One Week to Go bump
2013-11-25 10:07:26
This evening I was riding and saw a cyclist exiting the Hot Metal Bridge to the Jail Trail featuring a Menorah on his helmet. I'm thinking it was Ben.
Ben was that you? About 5.15?
2013-11-25 20:14:19
Yup. Got the backup backup menorah together and just felt like strapping it to my helmet this morning.
It was bizarre but fun being the most conspicuous thing around.
2013-11-25 20:41:12
@byogman, you need a velomobile with a menorah on the top and white ground effect lights underneath. THEN you'll be conspicuous.
2013-11-25 21:09:22
Well I don't have that.
But I do have this now:

Figured it might be a good idea, with visibility a concern with tomorrow's storms.
2013-11-25 23:18:14
You are like a MaccaGyver.
2013-11-26 07:42:05
Let's just say it's a good thing I don't have to defuse any bombs. I had an interesting enough time wiring a ceiling fan (in fairness to me, this is in a 113 year old house with botch job knob-tube wiring that shorted).
Bump today for
4:45pm Start Chanukah with a Grand Menorah lighting in front of the City-County Building.
City County Building
Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The bike trailer menorah will be in attendance. Will take a short loop of downtown over to Southside -> Hot Metal Bridge thereafter anyone wants to come.
I'm going back to squirrel hill the long way (up Neville) since I'm not real sure my trailer fits on sidewalk and I can imagine the screams if I try to ride uphill with that thing on a major motorist corridor. Want to keep the impressions positive. If it's not too miserable, after Boundary->Neville, will probably take a gratuitous lap in Oakland (West on 5th to Magee before turning back on Forbes) if anyone wants to follow on for that.
Since this is the day of, no additional menorahs not expected, just looking for moral support. It's hard biking pulling a parachute! Also realized very quickly on my ride today that the tires don't have anywhere near enough pressure, though that's a more minor factor.
2013-11-27 09:07:17
Probably too late to use this year, but the
White Electroluminescent (EL) Tape Strip would make for some awesome candle sticks.
2013-11-27 09:43:36
@byogman Air up at the 3rd/4th Ave bike parking facility.
No guarantees I'll join you, but thanks for the reminder.
2013-11-27 09:53:51
I'm sorry, I had some GI issues yesterday which unfortunately resumed today with lunch. I waited for things to settle and then figured I'd do better take advantage of the window of relative calm than to stay till the end of the day and hope for the best. It was fun if a little challenging riding home today. Hopefully more fun and less challenge when I'm 100%.
2013-11-27 15:13:12
Sorry, I talk all around the point. Translation: I won't be there at the lighting.
2013-11-27 15:14:14
Today... still on for December 2nd, the ride with the cars obviously. I think I'd rather poop my pants than miss it. Today, that would have been a real risk.
2013-11-27 15:15:42
I hope you feel better, Ben.
2013-11-27 15:39:02
Note to the group. If there is any real possibility of GI incident of any description come Monday, and boy do I hope this passes (unintentional pun) before then, I won't actually ride, was a figure of speach. Though the ride would go on with Vannevar as leader anyway.
So no need to be checking here for the latest and greatest on my health, and sorry for having shared rather too much already. Speaking of forecasts which do matter more, looks like Monday is currently project free of precip and in reaching into the comparatively balmy low 40s.
2013-11-27 15:45:30
Sorry to here of your bug.
Here's something to cheer you up. My set-up for this year...

edit: no actual lights this year, but there are little square mirrors at the tops, and quite a bit of glitter(including in my dining room).
2013-11-27 16:40:42
Here is what I cobbled together in a couple hours. In addition to the little light set I got from @byogman, it consists of a tangerine box, some Tinkertoys, and a couple different kinds of tape. I may decorate it a bit more, but here you can see all the functional pieces.
2013-11-27 22:17:48
Stu, that looks awesome! I love the use of the crate to frame it. Nice job.
2013-11-28 12:26:52
Non-East-enders: Is there any interest in meeting up to ride to the start? Say from the north end of the hot metal bridge?
2013-11-28 18:26:00
Bah, I am coming in from Shaler. Anybody going from the Oaklandish area?
2013-11-29 08:41:03
I'm happy to ride with you or anyone else up from Dippy, closing the loop, if you will, for the non squirrel hill residents. Let me know.
Only warning, I am SLOW dragging the trailer.
2013-11-30 20:51:20
Bump with the weather forecast: Unseasonably warm and only a 15% chance of rain for the ride. Hope to see yinz Monday, 5.15 pm. Cheers, V.
2013-12-01 15:40:45
How many lights should be on, and working from left to right, numbered 1 to 9, which should be on?
2013-12-01 19:22:08
Stu, Ben's advice was to illuminate them all (all nine). That's what most of the cars were doing. Last year, that's what the bicyclists did.
2013-12-01 23:16:32
My helmet menorah will have all ablaze.
The trailer will not because one light fell and has become troublesome since. Given a choice between 6 and 7 reliably ablaze, I'm choosing 6 for being reflective of the day in question.
Is it even possible to control lights individually with those kits? If so, that's interesting new information.
If you can and want to go with 6 rather than 8, that's fine. It's an individual choice, just one all of us last year chose toward the 8 end for max visibility. I don't think we were 6 days in at that point, however, so the visibility difference would be smaller this year.
2013-12-02 06:38:41
I'm soliciting volunteers for roles:
Cokers(2) (high viz gear strongly recommended).
Public relations (figure that's split between me and Vannevar. In any case I'm on the hook)
Youth coordinator (there'll be boys (I think only 2 or 3) riding w/out parents post bar mitzvah but not necessarily by much... was my decision and I'll own keeping them in line and helping if they need it).
AAA (In the unlikely event of a crash or bike maint issue preventing a (non-adult) rider from continuing, who'll carry patch supplies and whatnot and hang with said rider till they get either to destination or home. Again, that's me since I invited young-uns. If someone has a kit for scrapes and whatnot, that's appreciated. I'll have a patch kit. Is anyone cool to "carry the torch" (lug the trailer) in the unlikely event of something like this happens?)
2013-12-02 07:07:19
Since there have been no takers on the Southern meeting point, who wants to meet at Dippy? Leaving about 5:15 pm?
2013-12-02 11:43:06
I'm in Oakland, should be able to meet at Dippy
2013-12-02 11:58:23
This sounds like a great ride but won't be able to join. Safe riding! :)
2013-12-02 13:04:03
3 hours until departure (2:45 or 2:15 to meet at Wightman & Hobart or Dippy, respectively)!
Bikeygirl, want to extend a thanks to you and all the folks at flock for inspiring bike lighting and silliness in this tahn.
Folks on the fence, really, what is there to loose? A short slow ride on a weirdly warm day, doing something uniquely silly and uniquely Pittsburgh (San Fran is doing this year, but they copied us). People cheering you, and a show and some treats at the end.
And no Menorah, no problem! Come as you are, or if you feel like being a Maccabee, I just loaded these into the Panniers:

Hope to see you there!
2013-12-02 15:02:46
I'll be at Dippy at 5, leaving at 5:15 for those who want to ride up together.
2013-12-02 15:14:00
I will be there.
2013-12-02 16:00:20
Sorry guys, I am out. I have some problem with shoulder and arm and ofo of bike for another two weeks.
2013-12-02 18:02:34
We had about 15 riders. Like last year it was much fun, although we did get a little spread out - cars too. The addition of the teenagers went fairly well, and hopefully they'll try their bikes for other short trips.
I hope you get over your cold Byogman & thanks for organizing the ride.
2013-12-02 21:03:22
Thanks Markov, and everyone. It was a little crazy, but it worked out OK and had more than it's share of great bits. Great menorahs, great fellowship. Nice to see the audience broadening to teenagers more. A natural thing to happen but wasn't expecting more than a couple and we got, what, five or so?
Personal favorite image. Stu on a unicycle, holding his bike cam taking video of us, the lagging group with legs whipping around at high rpm on Craig street and fifth avenue. A sight to behold.
Will be more involved with the planning of the parade as a whole next year to make it easier to keep the group together.
2013-12-02 21:42:59
BTW next year we'll be on the official parade flyers. I told the organizer that jackpot for me would be simply if this became designated the Menorah parade, or Channukah parade rather than the "car menorah parade" which we join... we'll see if he's willing to take the message that far. It will by then be year three...
2013-12-02 21:48:08
Mikhail wrote:Sorry guys, I am out. I have some problem with shoulder and arm and ofo of bike for another two weeks.
Mikhail, I'm sorry about your wing. Heal up and get well soon!
2013-12-02 21:53:52
2013-12-05 23:09:04
From Monday's parade:

Mayor-elect Peduto lighting the Menorah in Schenley Plaza
2013-12-05 23:40:10
2013-12-06 12:30:33
2013-12-06 14:06:43
It looks like these are some photos from the SanFran event:

2013-12-06 14:21:25