Hey, I'm going to start commuting from highland park via bike to downtown to the Greyhound station, could anyone give me a tip on where I can lockup my bike during the day? I called the PGH Parking authority and the Grant Street Garage said that they don't have a bike rack. Any suggestions would be most welcome! Thank you!
Also, this article is great about organized commuting!
2014-09-02 13:07:28
http://localhost/mb/topic/biking-to-work-downtown/ has some useful info.
Perhaps someone who is familiar with this could add an appropriate page to the bikingpgh.com Wiki.
2014-09-02 13:27:29
Did you look
here? A link to
ot changed.
2014-09-02 13:30:54
@Jonawebb Thanks! Very helpful
@Mikhail yeah I looked there but unfortunately the link is broken :(
2014-09-02 13:32:41
So, reprising earlier information:
There is a wave type rack at the Amtrak Station, across the street from the Greyhound Station. Stu posted a picture of it very recently on another thread.
There is a wave type rack on the street, on Penn Avenue, at the Convention Center. Very exposed.
There is a rack in the little plaza in front of the Federal Building (facing Liberty Avenue). Hard to see, presumably safe, given the occupancy/security at building.
Parking Garage at Ninth and Penn. A little further, but under cover. You can see the bikes at the Penn Avenue entrance to the garage. A 2-3 block walk to the Greyhound Station.
There may be more. Those are what came to mind immediately.
Lock your bike safely. U-lock, or even two. Don't even consider a cable lock for downtown. Lock secures the wheel and the frame (preferably both wheels) to the secure object (such as a rack).
Enjoy. It sounds like a great ride.
2014-09-02 14:13:18
I work at the Federal Bldg right across the street from the bus station and there's a rack right by the front door that I use. Very safe as the guards are right inside. There is also another rack by the building on William Penn Way that never gets used. Also in sight by the guards at the back exit only door. I don't think anyone would care that you didn't actually work in the bldg.
2014-09-02 16:20:03
oh, and just something I've noticed about how safe things might be in that area. someone locked a bike up beside the Westin hotel on the Liberty Ave side and it's been there for several months. About a month ago the saddle went missing, but otherwise the rest in intact.
2014-09-02 16:29:57
@Swalfoort thanks for all the information and help! I hear they are getting a bike rack at the greyhound station soon!
@Kristopher good to know! thanks so much. I'll definitely bike around to find somewhere that looks safe.
2014-09-03 08:50:11