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Bike Pgh needs to get on this. (bike parking in Tokyo)

What do you think of these bike parking stations in Tokyo?

2011-03-16 14:53:25

It would be fun to try once (gizmo factor!!!), but then I think I'd be cantankerous about paying for parking + the huge increase in carbon footprint.

2011-03-16 14:56:08

Pseudacris - very true. Looks cool but takes up lots of space.

2011-03-16 14:58:59

haha. we have trouble just getting a couple bolts in the ground.

2011-03-16 15:05:48

I would rather spend the money on a people-based check-in system. I think it would use way less physical space, and would be more friendly. OTOH, as an engineer - I like it!

2011-03-16 15:09:00

Did anyone else notice the site the video came from?


2011-03-16 15:20:07

It works fine, until the power goes out. I would rather we get something like this:

2011-03-16 17:37:52

Yeah, that's a solution looking for a problem. Are people seriously not riding their bikes because there isn't a robo-valet thingie that stores their bikes out of the elements? I'm with Stu.....

2011-03-16 18:17:39

If there was a competition between technological solutions to things, I'd rather have Norwegian cycle lifts:

2011-03-16 18:47:38

^^^ Yeah, wunnadem things, Panther Hollow up to Forbes. Prolly a few others if I thought about it.

That first one looks a bit like Rialto.

2011-03-16 19:33:29

I just laughed out loud at the lady with her foot on her cart. I have one of those carts, the kids I teach call it my "hobo cart". I's probly pee my pants if I saw someone doing that in real life.

seriously though, those things look amazing. my biggest issue with biking is the hills.

also, idk how I feel about the robo-parking thing. I ride my bike so i can pull right up to where i'm going. and what if it breaks down?

2011-03-16 21:26:54

+1 for the norwegian thing! that would be fabulous for our hills. How bout put on of those up through Greenfield off the eliza furnace trail?

one question, how coordinated do you have to be to use it? i'm notoriously uncoordinated, known to have difficulties will all ski lifts/magic carpets/rope pulley things, what is the tipping/falling probability with this?

2011-03-17 14:16:26

Yeah, that Norwegian thing looks like a you tube gold mine waiting to happen. Remember, this is the town where people slow their cars driving into tunnels....

2011-03-17 17:19:29

The OP topic really isn't all that new. Consider this 1936 item from Chicago...

...Item #16 from this page.

2011-03-17 19:40:52

@stu: I get cranky waiting for my Cheetos to fall out of the vending machine...I can't imagine waiting for my _car_.

2011-03-17 22:55:00