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Bike Polo on CSI:NY

Bike polo and spoke cards!!!

2009-08-13 02:15:25

So when are YOU going to come and play?

If you can ride a bike, you can play bike polo. It will improve your handling skills if you can get past the initial frustration of not being able to hit the ball. And for those concerned about safety - yes, you will fall down. But remember, there are no cars on the polo court, truly serious injury is unlikely in pickup play and we've not experienced the rampant wheel and bike failures that everyone is seemingly so worried about.

Come and play. It will be fun and challenging. You may fall in love, or you may decide it ain't your thing.

2009-08-13 02:27:38

So, how practical would a freewheel/hub be, or is fixed the only way to go?

2009-08-13 11:42:13

So when are YOU going to come and play?

I have been trying to come out, but I'm still at my regular job, and working for my business, so I have been working 9a-9p(10) every day of the week.

Once I leave my regular job, I'll be down.

2009-08-14 22:16:39

i need a polo bike. i've always wanted to play!!!

2009-08-15 05:17:24

Some of the best polo players out there play on freewheels. Some with swept back hybrid bars even.

There truly is no right and wrong polo bike.

2009-08-15 06:34:04

There truly is no right and wrong polo bike.

2009-08-15 14:46:04

A unicycle is a fixie, right?

2009-08-15 15:38:55