man, yall are making this more and more appealing. i'm interested in this more for the workout aspect at this point than actually competing. sitting in front of a computer and and getting older is not good for me.
Bike Racing 101 Interest?
There is some chatter about putting on a "Bike Racing 101" clinic/event at the Oval on a Saturday in May, led by Steevo and Chris Mayhew. Length would be maybe an hour or so, with (I assume) some actual riding. Cost would be in the neighborhood of $10, which might include some sort of treats or something.
Is this something folks would be interested in doing?
Yep,I would attend if I'm in town.
I could probably provide some additional items as incentives to attend.
definitely. as long as im not laughed off for showing up with my 20 year old raleigh record ace.
I'd be in.
I would be very interested.
what they all said. especially erok.
i'd be interested. shake and bake!
I'm interested provided its not the first saturday or third saturday in may. I'll either be in the middle of the state or watching cocksparrer in austin.
Yeah, I would be interested in this.
bump. let's book a day. can't do the 16th, but could do the 9th or 23rd.
I'm down if the date/time ends up being one I can make. $10 is quite reasonable.
can girls come?
or is there a separate thing for women? i know amy did one once during bike fest but i couldnt make it.
also i am not in fast bike shape these days. boo.
girls should definitely come to this!
I'm interested, too. I could make the 23rd, but not the 9th.
We're shooting for the 23rd. I should have many details worked out tomorrow....
word. now all i need is a road bike...
Another heads up--this may get pushed 'til BikeFest because of permits/paperwork/etc.
if its not til august the shifter on my road bike might actually work by then. ha. no really.
Looks like we're doing this on Saturday, 20 June. The clinic will run about 90 minutes (give or take). Cost should be under $20.
darn... i am also hosting a class on saturday. but its about trees, etc. hopefully there will be another one?
I can usually drop a tree.
i'm gonna try to make it.
I'm currently working on reducing the cost by $5 or so per person, so keep that in mind as you make your decision.
Note the new (lower!) prices:
$5 for current USAC license holders
$10 for everyone else (includes USAC one day license)
Cost includes insurance.
sweet. i'm excited. my road rig isn't pretty but it'll do until i get hooked or give up.
Now I just need to piece together something that looks like a road bike.
thanks steevo!