I. love. it. I want one in my house!
Bike Rack Sculpture
My friend Will made this really cool piece of public art. Check it out and leave a comment if you feel moved to do so.
Yes that is a wonderful piece.
Plus you can lock up your tall bike!
^ Ha, lock your tall bike!
Can't wait to ride by, it'll make a good tag someday.
Speaking of awesome bike racks that double as art, we have this from Seattle. Found this on Twitter, courtesy of @FamilyRide:
creative people are awesome
Speaking of tall-bike racks, what's with this new giant bike-rack thing at Schenley's vietnam veterans pavilion?
A Metric/English conversion failure.
Or maybe it's for a big croquet tournament. (Really, really big.)
25 more! (well, 24, it contains the squid, above)
@stu: those are way cool. if i were ranking them id say that korea wins! 2nd place goes to the prolific bike rack designer and part time talking heads guy