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Bike Racks for Aspinwall

Aspinwall has budgeted some money for bike racks. If anyone here is familiar enough with our small Borough and would like to offer recommendations or suggestions for where we might locate new bike racks, preferred styles of bike racks - as well as your rationale, the input would be helpful. Thanks.
2013-02-03 11:18:18
I'm going to put in a vote for the staple racks, basically the inverted U shaped racks. They are simple and obviously bike racks. I hate everything else, except the river racks.... You can get the u-shaped racks standalone or in the style like they have in bike corrals (such as in front of OTB or Mad Mex) GOOD BAD
2013-02-03 12:07:22
Hmm, how cool. Aspinwall is right down the street from me. I feel a bike rack would need to be on Brilliant and around Freeport. That would be the most logical first location. The second location would be on Commercial or very close to that street on Eastern. That way cyclists would be able to access both areas of Aspinwall via bike and be able to see their bike or be close to it while they enjoy the town.
2013-02-03 23:07:06
Speaking of that area, Bike racks are in need at the waterworks, too.
2013-02-03 23:56:15
Really great feedback so far, keet it comin'! (but, @Stef: Waterworks Mall is actually City of Pittsburgh. That, and the Gumberg Co. that owns it has all of those pesky "no bikes" signs scattered about. Anybody know anyone at Gumberg?)
2013-02-04 07:42:02
FWIW, I like the staple style racks, but I also like the coat-hanger style of racks too (red one in upper right corner). Pitt has these all over their campus and I've never had an issue with them. Why don't other's like these?
2013-02-04 08:10:50
The efficacy of the coat hanger racks is a function of how far apart the coat hangers are. Too close, they start to be like toasters, too much handlebar contention, giving the appearance of being able to handle a bunch of bikes when in fact they can only handle a couple. REI has a coat hanger setup, IIRC.
2013-02-04 08:41:53
BTW does anyone know who to contact about bike racks at the Waterfront? I watch movies down there occasionally, and there's really no place to lock up.
2013-02-04 09:29:42
The Steel Valley Trail Council built a trail through the Waterfront, so I'd think they would know who to contact.
2013-02-04 09:46:22
jonawebb-we're working on bike racks at the Waterfront. The management company of the area just changed last fall, so it's taken some time. Steel Valley Trail Council is woefully short of help and we'd love to have more folks coming to meetings and volunteering to help us make the trail and adjacent area better for all trail users. Our next meeting will Be 2/18/13. *And I should note that while the SVTC stewards the trail, the Regional Trail Corporation should get the credit for actually building it:)
2013-02-04 09:59:06
I love that gas stations also have these racks everywhere, I just question why they place them by the pumps and not near the doors.
2013-02-04 10:04:01
I find the coat hanger racks are fine when placed with space on each side (the Pitt Benedum bike racks are done correctly). However, out in the urban wild they frequently are placed with one of the long sides put up against a wall by someone who hasn't really used one. Their visual design makes this an inherently common mistake.
2013-02-04 10:16:21
+1 on Astrobiker's analysis of coat hanger racks. Fortunately/unfortunately where I am there's only occasionally enough demand for them that having access to one side only is a problem.
2013-02-04 16:12:58
^ I guess most of the ones I use are either installed correctly (two sided) or of low volume usage. The new "wave" racks at Aldis along carson st. in south side are a great example of a failed rack install. They are right up against the building so you cant get a wheel through it to lock the frame. Luckily there are more racks near the parking lot that can be used instead.
2013-02-04 16:27:20
@StefB, there are a few racks in front of Eat and Park at the Waterworks Mall. @AtLeastMyKidsLoveMe, I always thought that the spot that has a bench along side PNC Bank would make a good location for a bike rack.
2013-02-04 20:05:41
I'm a big fan of the 3 Rivers style rack. Brilliant and Commercial both seem like obvious choices but perhaps the park should receive some consideration as well.
2013-02-04 23:02:01
Yes, back to Aspinwall. The park by the Highland Park Bridge would be needed as well. I have no idea what is going on with the riverfront park? Part of me has been wondering about how legit that whole thing is, but I confess I don't have a clue about the people that are managing it with a salary attached and I don't know the details at all. I think the riverfront park if it is built would be a good location for a rack as well. I don't think we will see the riverfront park connect to Millvale, but I can see Aspinwall embracing cycling at some point, although when I ride through there daily, I feel like I am the only cyclist that lives around here.
2013-02-05 11:29:09
this is one of my favorite resources to send to people about bike parking. more or less everything you'd need to know
2013-02-05 11:38:17
but my $0.02 -don't make it more complicated than it needs to be -put them where people want to be, ie not at the edge of the park like they did in Point State Park -Put them near something else (like a bathroom), so that it doesn't seem like it's an island If you need any evidence as to why toaster racks are the worst, even if some guy, who claims to be an expert even tho he hasn't been on a bike since he was a kid tells you otherwise (it's happened to me): This was at Pitt
2013-02-05 11:44:47
I agree that the rack needs to be really simple and able to accommodate a family out for a ride. Mostly Aspinwall is filled with the giant SUV types, so you might get a family out for a little ride around town with little kids. I don't know if there will many cyclists that visit Aspinwall via bike? Not sure, but I don't see many and am there on my bike all the time. The riverfront park could be a draw at some point being that Friends of the Riverfront are involved, but that remains to be seen. I love the idea of bike racks around Aspinwall. I could imagine if one took up a parking space on Brilliant. I can hear the giant SUV women now, yelling and complaining about how they have to walk a little further or they can't find a parking spot even though they just drove 5 blocks to get downtown. lol Ah, whatever you do, it will be an improvement to what it is now. Thanks for thinking of cyclists. The more that goes on the more hope I have for our region to become a cycling mecca. It sure is different today than it was a short 7-10 years ago!
2013-02-05 12:43:51
Very cool that Aspinwall is getting racks. It may help draw more cyclists to Aspinwall. I don't know that area too well, but I would ride over to do some shopping, eating or movie watching if I knew I could lock up without too much hassle. I like the 3 rivers racks and staples racks best. Being near good nighttime lighting could be helpful.
2013-02-05 12:46:36
I want to thank everybody who tossed their 2 cents into the discussion. It is really, really helpful to have real-world input into these types of decisions. When I know more about how many, where and when I'll be sure to update. Thanks again!
2013-02-14 13:56:38
I do agree, the coathanger racks are better than a lot of the other ones I don't like. I use one at work every day. Though, they have to be placed away from walls, or at least perpendicular to walls so that bikes can access both sides of the rack. Staple racks will always be my favorite.
2013-02-14 14:04:19
@ALMKLM Since you're on the township council or some such governing body, I'd guess you are to blame for proposing bike racks?
2013-02-14 15:04:24
I can't read my last post and neither can ALMKLM. Basically, it asks if ALMKLM, who is on some kind of municipal council out there, is responsible for sullying the otherwise lovely car-based suburb with the unsightly clutter of bike racks.
2013-02-18 16:46:48
@Mick - I can read it now - your re-write is much funnier than the original! Yes, indeed. It's top-down socialism, baby. Destroying the suburbs one bike at a time! Today bike racks, tomorrow car-free green boulevards! (In all seriousness, there are a lot of folks who ride from here and to here. Also a lot of us who walk. We like it here because you can get places those ways. Unlike more conventional suburbs like O'Hara Township or Ross, where there are no sidewalks or places to walk or ride to and from safely.)
2013-02-18 20:41:24
Update: 8 racks are on order. We expect to receive them in time for install by Memorial Day. We've received lots of great input here, from our local businesses and residents as well. If anybody else has further suggestions, etc., please chime in or PM me. Thanks again, and come check out our racks after Memorial Day!
2013-05-02 20:04:39
now if we could just make HPB safer for everyone to share!
2013-05-02 20:24:22
cburch wrote:now if we could just make HPB safer for everyone to share!
+1. While it's nice to know Aspinwall will have racks if I ever make it up there, it's unlikely I'll actually get there anytime soon... Is 61SB any better, anyone?
2013-05-02 23:56:11
buffalo buffalo wrote:
cburch wrote:now if we could just make HPB safer for everyone to share!
+1. While it’s nice to know Aspinwall will have racks if I ever make it up there, it’s unlikely I’ll actually get there anytime soon… Is 61SB any better, anyone?
The 61st St bridge is a bit better, but then you drop into Sharpsburg and deal with tight Main Street. The best way from the Zoo to get to Aspinwall is jump on the sidewalk to get across the HPB. The curb has big breaks in it, so that isn't an issue. The sidewalk is in good shape once you are on the bridge. You could get on the sidewalk all the way by the light at One Wild Way, but that sidewalk isn't in the best shape. I ride this route most every day. I run the sidewalk all the way around the loop down to where Trizilla used to be and get out on the road down there. I know some are opposed to riding on a sidewalk, but I almost got killed on the HPB at around midnight coming home from work. I won't ride on the road again, unless in a large group. Cars go 70mph often on that road and there is very little room. Just take the sidewalk and be safe.
2013-05-03 06:39:15
Regarding the bike rakes, I think that is GREAT! Thank you for doing so much work getting this done. You asked opinions and that will no doubt pay off. Looking forward to using the new bike racks.
2013-05-03 06:41:12
What's a good place to get a bite to eat over there? 'Cause that would surely give me a reason to rack up.
2013-05-03 08:25:18
I bike across the HPB and thru aspinwall just about everyday. I dont usually stop in Aspiwall, but it will be nice to know they are there. What is the deal with that roped off area at the corner of Freeport and Brilliant (i think) it looks like a good spot for a little corral.
2013-05-03 09:03:41
i generally take the sidewalk on HPB as well, but it really is too narrow to safely share with pedestrian traffic. hopefully once they uncover and rehab the butler st bridge and build the trail through heth's run to the king estate their will be enough of an increase in bike and ped traffic that they seriously reconsider the design of the HPB.
2013-05-03 10:22:26
cburch wrote:i generally take the sidewalk on HPB as well, but it really is too narrow to safely share with pedestrian traffic. hopefully once they uncover and rehab the butler st bridge and build the trail through heth’s run to the king estate their will be enough of an increase in bike and ped traffic that they seriously reconsider the design of the HPB.
It is too narrow for myself and a pedestrian to cross paths. That is easily solved by me stopping my bike and letting them walk by in comfort as it should be. They, as far as I am concerned have the right of way. That being said, the 10 seconds I have to wait for them is a non issue. If I come up behind one, I will ask politely if I can pass. They always say sure and are very nice about. Again, less than 10 seconds to do this. If I am worried about 10 seconds, I shouldn't ride a bike anywhere.
2013-05-03 20:00:25
Well duh. Obviously you dismount and give them the right of way. I wasn't arguing about how to pass them. I was simply saying it would be great if it was wide enough to do so without dismounting. Especially since its really the only good bike/ped connection from the east end to Aspinwall/Fox Chapel.
2013-05-03 21:03:23
cburch wrote:Well duh. Obviously you dismount and give them the right of way. I wasn’t arguing about how to pass them. I was simply saying it would be great if it was wide enough to do so without dismounting.
I don't dismount. Just stop and lean against the fence. Sometimes I wonder if the fence will give out and I would fall to the river and then contemplate if I can swim to shore without being taken over the dam. It is an interesting thought as I am leaning. lol
2013-05-03 21:05:39
I'm gonnahafta head up that direction sometime. I rarely go past Millvale and never past the 62SB. How is Mt Royal Blvd for biking? Any news on the almost-a-trail between Millvale and 62SB?
2013-05-04 06:11:56
Does anyone know the timing of the Heth's Run project? I wonder if it includes the sidewalk over to HPB? Or if there is still time in the process to have that included? I'd be willing to pursue a dialogue with PennDot the City and whomever else about improving HPB if there were a solid, reasonable plan to advocate. Without reinventing the wheel, is there anything out there currently? Can we put something together? HPB is one of those choke-points that, if improved, would open up a lot of possibilities.
2013-05-04 08:14:02
The only racks I know of in Aspinwall is one inverted u rack in front of the Borough Building and one of the same improperly installed (perpendicular to the wall) by the fire department on 1st St. None at all on Brilliant or Freeport.
2017-04-06 21:28:28
Thanks to @zzwergel for refreshing this thread.  Yes, I'm a frequent pedestrian in aspinwall as my office is on lexington and freeport.  There are 0 bike racks I've seen.  Brilliant could certainly accommodate quite a few.  The bikepgh racks would work the best -- can accommodate 2 bikes, small footprint. also, someone about4 years ago in this thread mentioned the waterworks.  They have installed bike racks.  They are pretty piss poor ones, but at least they are bike racks and well secured to the pavement.
2017-04-07 07:43:57
Bike parking in Sharpsburg would be nice too. It would help bring [young] people to the business district.
2017-04-10 17:44:55
you could bring it up to borough council there, though I'm assuming that Sharpsburg would probably need a grant to better afford the bike racks.  Not sure what their plans are, but this may be better done when they decide what they're doing, or not doing, with the North shore trail.  Once it extends to the Etna-Sharpsburg border there will be more pressure on Sharpsburg to make a decision.   Here's an article about improving Main Street for pedestrians (erroneously called Freeport Road) in Sharpsburg between 13th and 6th.
2017-04-11 10:40:30