Bike related items from Tempe and Philadelphia
Over the last two weekends I visited Tempe and Philadelphia, two very different cities. These are just some bike and transportation related items I took notice of.
Both cities:
- Bike racks on every bus
- Bike racks on every block
- Both very flat
- In downtown there is very little bike infrastructure outside of the racks I mentioned above but people still bike. Especially Saturday night. Every rack and every pole had a bike locked up to it outside the more popular bars. Traffic downtown is horrendous, it's no wonder people turn to bikes.
- Lots of bike lanes
- No one wore helmets even though the minimum speed limit there seemed to be 35mph
- Saw a guy on a fixie riding backwards in a bike lane
- There is a light rail system that you can take bikes on. It takes you to downtown Phoenix
Yes. And he was hauling ass too.
The guys in my photo could barely go in a straight line. Was this dude in the saddle, pedaling backwards?
Well it was from a distance but I am pretty sure it was just like above.
yeah, philly isonly begininning their downtown bike stuff. they just had a major road diet on spruce street that removed a car lane and replaced itwith a bikelane.