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Bike Stolen at Carnegie Mellon

My bike was stolen outside of Stever House at Carnegie Mellon (on Morewood Avenue between Forbes and Fifth) between 5 p.m. and 9 a.m. on Thursday, July 10th. It's a men's Giant Escape 3 in charcoal grey with red accent. It's very new - I've only had it since May. A distinguishing factor on mine, however, is that it has a women's seat on it instead of a men's. Finally, it was locked up with just a cable lock through the frame and front wheel, so everyone on here with U-locks can rest assured. If found, please email Also, if you have a bike repair shop or used bike shop that I can send the serial number to in case someone tries to sell it, that would be great. Thank you very much!!!
2014-07-13 17:26:06
As a rule, if you have the serial number handy (like say on your sales receipt) do post it. Bikes do get spray painted, and serials do get filed off. But you can always hope.
2014-07-13 21:49:04