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Bike the Strike - volunteers needed

We need your help! It's possible that Pittsburgh-area transit operators could go on strike soon. We don't know the exact start date or a strike--or even if the strike will happen--but we want to be prepared.

Bike Pittsburgh will try to help people find a different way to get to work. Ideally, our outreach efforts will include

- Encouraging stranded commuters to bike to work

- Helping new bike commuters with the logistics of bike commuting

- Leading group commuter rides from designated start points to popular commute destinations

- Offering biker breakfasts similar to those on Bike to Work Day

Please take a few minutes to answer this survey.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

One last note: As the negotiations unfold, Bike Pittsburgh is taking a neutral position. Our goal is to help commuters, not take sides in the contract negotiations.

2008-09-16 10:12:55

Please take this survey folks!

2008-09-18 12:27:59

Thanks to all who have volunteered to help lead new commuters. Here's a spreadsheet that shows who is willing to lead from Point A to Point B. I emailed this to a bunch of people yesterday, but I did not have email addresses for everyone who responded. If you haven't seen this already, please take a look and let me know if your information is correct.

Please send changes/corrections to my gmail account. I'm marymeg.

Thank you!

2008-10-06 10:19:36