I will be riding in tomorrow, along with several friends, leaving the Mt Lebanon area between 6:30 and 7:00 AM. Planning to stop at Market Square.
Let me know if you are interested and we'll look for you.
2013-05-16 16:00:21
Sorry for late question -- where are going to start? It's not 100% that I am going to bike. I'll drop the exact answer around 5:30am.
2013-05-17 00:44:07
Going to try.
2013-05-17 04:45:54
Hm, it took me almost 42 minutes (started at 6:36am -- a little bit more than 8 miles) to get from my home (almost at Allegheny/Washington county border) to Mt. Lebanon cemetery using back roads up to Mt.Lebanon Blvd and 19. Lots of hills and every intersection at bottom has a stop sign. So it's not rolling hills anymore. :) Next time will use 19. Much easier and faster (no stop signs for the first climb, one traffic light at intersection 19 and Connor/Gilkeson, long but very moderate grade). Planned to use Boggs but it was closed -- Public Works repaved it. So has to stop and regroup. At this moment someone passed me. :) Used E.Warrington up to Arlington (has to stop also an look at the map) and then 18, Jane, 26, HMB. Total around 1h 44m.
2013-05-17 08:23:41
I'm sorry, I missed your message by minutes. Went to bed at 12:15...
What time do you usually go in? My route is much the same, 19 all the way to the Tubes, up Warrington, down Arlington, but then I go Smithfield Street to First Ave, First Ave to the Point, and the trail from the Point up into the Strip.
Let me know if you'd like to meet one morning. I'll be on a Mon-Wed-Fri cadence for the rest of the spring and summer, and I'm always happy for company!
2013-05-17 08:33:01
I cannot ride three times per week. :) Main obstacle is my wife. She is worried about my safety. It's OK to ride with a club even a longer distances (I suspect that she just does not know where and how we go) but riding roads around house is a problem from her point of view. So I'll try to workout Fridays first. We'll see what happened. I'll PM you.
2013-05-17 12:26:39
I leave my house between Connor and Cochran a bit after 7. Would be happy to join either of you. Mikhail I also head over the HMB.
2013-05-20 17:41:34