Ya know, wouldn't it be nice if every American, was given a $400.00 voucher towards a bike/trike,etc., from our dear Obammy. For those with cars, you would be paid $1,200.00, if you choose to give up your vehicle. That money, could be used towards the 400 dollar voucher, and hey..you can get a purty nice bike for that money.....just dreamin'...
2015-04-22 06:46:08
There actually is a program something like that. Employers can give a monthly benefit to employees who bike and take that off their taxes. But it's not worth the trouble to any employer I know of to create and administer the program.
2015-04-22 07:29:40
This program was discussed a few years ago- I was trying to get it done within the Carnegie Museums system, without luck. I believe Chatham U. does have a program in place though.
2015-04-22 07:34:29
Enforce traffic laws, apply fines in line with the seriousness of the violation, use the revenue to raise the level of competence required to obtain a drivers license, raise the level of competence and financial responsibility required to retain a drivers license commensurate with the burden it places on society. More people would "voluntarily" choose other modes of transportation.
Equally as dream-ish.
2015-04-22 07:56:30
Plus, the minimal voucher program mentioned above is in danger, one of the lesser chips in the poker game of discussing the transportation appropriations bill.
2015-04-23 08:38:23
Sigh, to work for a company that would pay me to continue riding my bike to work. .
I even work in the parking industry, so really, i'm making them money when i don't drive to the countless sold out venues/lots i work. Haha, i have a feeling i'd get laughed out of the office if i asked about this..Or a blank stare followed by "Yeahhhhhh, we don't do that here..."
2015-04-23 17:20:10
I might settle for a tax credit based on the relative savings for infrastructure maintenance costs. Say 50% of the nominal car/bike difference in wear. Everyone comes out ahead! Even the car owners.
2015-04-23 17:38:11
"Employers can give a monthly benefit to employees who bike and take that off their taxes. But it’s not worth the trouble to any employer I know of to create and administer the program. "
That was my experience at my old office. I recall that even if it had been implemented, I would have had to choose between the tax-free parking benefit program and the bike benefit. Thus, because biking 5 days a week, year-round was either impossible or impractical for me to do, claiming the bike benefit would have amounted to trading a dollar for a quarter.
2015-04-23 18:19:04
You already have the concept of odometer reading for inspection (<5K == No emission test). Why not that plus a certified bike odometer?
No, it's not Big Gov't.
2015-04-23 21:33:27
I kid you not, I brought up a proposal just like this at a model congress in Washington D.C. around 2007 in high school and a bunch of high school age idiots gave me shit about it; not sure how much has changed, except now I live in a place with more cyclists which is nice
2015-04-23 22:18:26