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BikeFest 09: August 14th - 23rd

Hey Everyone. It's BikeFest time and we're basically spending every minute of the day from now through August preparing for it. What we need is some help filling our calendar of events!

Save the date:

Aug 14: BikeFest Fundraiser Party for BikePGH

Some ideas:

throwing a block party and making the street car-free for the day

scavenger hunts

backyard movies

jousting (kidding.. sort of)

Swimming pool tour of Pittsburgh (pool pass recommended)

black and gold sprints (Brad? Can we do this at the party?)

2009-07-08 19:11:28

your city swimming pool tour idea reminds me of an idea a friend and i had last summer.. the wheels are turning. i will get back to you about this.

2009-07-08 20:08:15

How about a block party in a neighborhood that has relatively little bus service, such as Morningside or Stanton Heights, or Greenfield?

2009-07-08 20:11:26

I like the pool idea--it has shades of John Cheever's "The Swimmer."

2009-07-10 14:11:59

Nat'l Night Out is August 4th, which is unfortunately about a week and a half before this---otherwise I would suggest maybe joining one of those block parties b/c I know folks are planning things for that.

Maybe that might still work?? A BikeFest pre-party?

2009-07-10 17:38:10

My company is definitely interested in doing something.

Although we primarily make removable, stickable wall art and graphics, we could think of something. Maybe urban camo/bike unbranding clinic, or just bike decorating.

I'll brainstorm a little more on this.

2009-07-11 07:59:03

top! Please get your events in by Jly 24th!

2009-07-13 18:32:28

just added!

rom the director of Smokey & The Bandit and Cannonball Run

Thu Aug 20 at dusk


Free screening on the lawn at PCA; cyclists welcome. (Will be moved indoors, in case of inclement weather.)

It's gonna take more than skill for paperboy Cru Jones to conquer the toughest BMX challenge in the world – Helltrack. It's going to take a miracle. This movie contains none of the "key elements" required to make a "good" film. But it still rules the universe. With great riding, former Olympian Bart Conner as the pro rider (choad), and a sexy boogie-with-bike-stunts at the high-school dance that is extremely awesome. (Hal Needham; USA; 1986; 91 min)

2009-08-11 14:37:04

awesome job with the movie guys. haha.

2009-08-12 19:11:55

just went to the pinball ride. super great! everyone should make a point to get our there to papa. it's really incredible.

2009-08-15 20:44:57

Yoga for cyclists today and tomorrow! Come watch the races at the oval! Go to north park and ride with WPW. Tons of BikeFest events left!

2009-08-18 14:10:48

for those with the paper calendar that you either picked up at the party or downloaded. the ride details for tonite's Urban Tree Ride are WRONG!!!

here are the correct details:

When: Wed, August 19, 6pm – 8pm

Where: Friends of the Pittsburgh Urban Forest Headquarters, 5427 Penn Ave (across from the Quiet Storm). (map)

Description: Friends of the Pittsburgh Urban Forest invites you to ride with us to learn more about the new trees planted along popular commuting routes, bike lanes, and riverfront trails. Includes some stops with tree identification and discussion about trees & traffic. This ride will be partly in traffic, and partly along trails. Helmets are encouraged!

Contact: for more info on the ride

and a link:

2009-08-19 14:44:24

Women's mountain bike ride tonight at Frick! Meet at the Braddock Ave. parking lot at 6pm.

2009-08-20 14:57:12

had a good night. went to the hollow ride which was real fun, and learned some new connections, and then to RAD. that movie is ridiculous

2009-08-21 14:32:32

amazing that is

2009-08-21 14:32:41

Erok, I might have seen you on the hollow ride...? Did you guys stop at the roundabout/Frick entrance on Reynolds? I was frantically pedaling home to switch bikes for the MTB ride.

... which was great – some beginner-level women who learned a lot and found out about BikePGH, PTAG and PORC for more riding opportunities.

2009-08-21 15:16:13

awesome. yeah that was us. you did look frantic. i said "HEY!" but you were determined

2009-08-21 16:03:41

whew. that was a fun week

2009-08-23 23:32:13