Leader Dan addressing the troops, Saturday August 13th, Zoom the Tombs ride.
BikeFest 2011 Photos
Hey everyone, if you have photos from the party or any other BikeFest events, please post a link to them here. Thanks so much!
-The Management
Here are some pictures from the pool ride (cross-posted from that thread):
BikeFest 2011, Pool Ride on Flickr
Some faves:
Swimming to the synchronized jump in Bloomfield:
Prepping for the "comercial hair" shoot in Polish Hill:
Sharks & Minnows in Riverview (aka "Caitlin looking fierce"):
And art wankery in riverview (subject: Aryn):
@Dave, your pool photos are great!
Here's one of the Batcycle. More in the BikePGH flickr pool.
Not sure how long this link will work for but the P-G has good coverage of BikeFest kickoff party today.
@Sarqah_Q http://www.post-gazette.com/seen/
The "seen" column?
Now we are like billionaire bankers tossing a thousand to the peons?
and women's repro ride:
i just want to pop in here to say that lungs face feet is like my new favorite band ever.
OMG OMG I am so excited about the animation that was created at the party. Thanks Schmutz Co
whoops heres the link to the animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8JgcOvJv8w
This is another pic from the "Batman Ride" on friday lead by Steph.
I did not take the pic, but I think is awesome ((love how colorful it is)), and figured it should be added somewhere!
nanananannanananan BAT-MAN!!
What is that little Batman toy? I think I need one.
Well, that is my buddy-BATMAN!!!!!
He's not for sale!
Dave, "woman reclining" is awesome
Northside Public Art Bike Tour
West End Overlook - Team Decaf Tuesday evening ride. About 40 riders.
Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers Bike Hash
more bike hashing here -> http://www.jonpratt.com/2011/Hash-House-Harriers-Bike-0819
Here's some from the tree pittsburgh ride.
Check out the deer checking us out in the first shot. Also, we saw a fox, like 15 feet away:
hippy shot
The tree ride looks like it was fun! Wish I could have gone, but had to take a day-off to rest & regroup
erok can you send me some of the tree ride ones? caitlin@treepittsburgh.org
( i had a tree related meeting during the ride...bummer)
Caitlin, the best way to snag the photos would be to download them from our flickr set, there's a bunch more on there as well.
feel free to use any of them for good, not evil
Where is that monster tree that erok is hugging?
I wish I was on that ride.
In case anyone at BikePGH was not already aware, the Trib is doing a story about the proliferation of women's rides at Bike Fest (and possibly also women's cycling in general, I'm not sure). They sent a photographer to the women's mountain bike ride on Wednesday. The reporter, Mandy, said she thought the story would run in Saturday's paper.
(slightly off topic but there you have it - will also ask Elizabeth to send photos of the Wed. ride)
sorry for the blurriness of some of these pics. my iPhone doesn't take the best pictures unless it's really bright outside, and the front facing camera has even worse quality.
flock ride on friday, august 19.
also from the flock ride
outside of the coffee shop, gathering for the 12 bridges ride.
on 40th street before getting on the bridge
And with this pic I summarize my whole experience in BikeFest 2011
More awesome pics from the party
I had the hardest time finding this thread.
There must be a mistake, most of the people at that party don't look like bike geeks. I am more comfortable among a much dorkier crowd.
@ edmunds I am more comfortable among a much dorkier crowd.
There were geeks present, for sure. And not just me, either.
It seems as thought pic that I was in somehow did not make it to the postings.
So maybe there is some anti-dork discrimination going on. Or maybe I'm just ugly.