dah. This is the only Wednesday night I work.... Hopefully next time.
BikePGH Volunteer Night, Wed March 31
Hey Ya'll, we're having a volunteer night this upcoming wednesday evening. gonna get some grub for all you 9-5ers. anyway, i'd like to make this a regular monthly event on the calendar now that we're in the new space. I'm thinking like maybe the first wednesday of every month or something. more details to follow.
also, if you want to be notified about volunteer opps as they come up, make sure to fill out our volunteer application so that we know what you want to do.
here's the email that i sent around.
There's been a ton of great stuff that's happened over the dreary winter months, namely, we moved our office! We are now located at the confluence of Penn Ave and Butler St, or Doughboy Square, in Lawrenceville. 3410 Penn Ave to be exact.
This is important because we want to have our first volunteer night at the new space on Wednesday, March 31 at 5:30 pm.
Due to the move, we're a bit behind in some mailings, so this is going to be a classic, non-profit envelope stuffing party. Great conversation, and a great way to meet people.
We'll make sure to get some food so that you're not starving after your long workday.
To recap, here's the info for the volunteer night in one spot.
Volunteer Night at the office (new address 3410 Penn Ave): Wednesday March 31 @ 5:30 - 7:30
Please RSVP if you plan to attend. We need to know how much food and beverage to get. If you don't RSVP, it's ok to just show up too.
If you're interested, please rsvp to this email address: coordinator@bike-pgh.org
alas, wednesdays are work nights for me too.
@ndromb @caitlin maybe you could go in during the day and let erok boss you around.
i would enjoy that
ha-ha if only.
i'm going to be at a photoshoot all day wednesday... depending on when it gets done i will try to be there... no need to save me any pizza!
if the price is right, i'm thinking of getting salem's veggie curry