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Bikes to lend July 1-4

From the Squirrel Hill South NextDoor mailing list: "Im in need of a couple functional bikes (2-3) to use over July 4 weekend. If anyone interested in giving away a bike suitable for 9 yr old boy, that would be most awesome! But if not, lending one for jul 1-4 would be very much appreciated. Thx! Shared with Squirrel Hill South in General" If you don't have access to this list PM me and I'll forward the info. Others have suggested FreeRide, HelBikes, BTW.
2016-06-29 13:22:39
I have at least one, probably two, former Free Ride bikes that I intend to donate back to Free Ride. My daughter had them at college the last couple of years. I think they still have the Free Ride markings on them. Current plan is to drop them off at Free Ride Friday evening, as we are going to the First Fridays At The Frick concert that evening, and parking on Thomas somewhere near the funeral home. If someone wants to meet us and take them off our hands, that can probably be arranged. PM me if interested. One needs a tire patched but is otherwise ridable. The other was in use until about 2014, then went missing for a few months, later recovered (during which time we got the second one). I haven't been on it, but it probably needs some minor work, like tubes and lube.
2016-06-29 14:10:44