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Biking in Pittsburgh Wiki

Thank you to all who have helped create the wiki! It is shaping up to be a great resource, will there be some mention of it, or a link on the Bike Pgh homepage?
2014-01-23 05:49:48
I think we can add to group rides and Keg and Reverse Keg rides to annual events. PMTCC to Get Involved.
2014-01-23 10:35:41
BTW, anyone who wants to edit, PM me, or reddan, Ted. We limited account created to admins because of a spam attack.
2014-01-23 11:09:12
this is awsome and a wealth of good info can someone please expain what a wiki is and how do you access it without going through this link > ?
2014-01-25 17:26:15
cowchip wrote:this is awsome and a wealth of good info can someone please expain what a wiki is and how do you access it without going through this link > ?
just go to the site and bookmark it?
2014-01-25 17:38:23
Since there was mention of a couple group rides I checked in on the wiki for the bike menorah ride. Blast it the section is called "popular" annual rides. Maybe it can get a waiver for being a deep winter ride, or maybe there can be a section specifically for that? The icycle is both, but I'm not sure how much else is. Honestly, I don't know how many winter rides there are here. I think its worth promoting what we have and hey, if we could have some more, that would be A-OK.
2014-01-25 20:17:50
Dude, you can make the changes yourself--just PM me, reddan, or Ted for an account--we'll need username, real name, and email.
2014-01-25 21:47:14
byogman wrote:Blast it the section is called “popular” annual rides. Maybe it can get a waiver for being a deep winter ride, or maybe there can be a section specifically for that?
In my opinion, the only thing that makes a ride "popular" is that it has a website with an update for time/place/etc. Given you don't have a website... Menorah Ride doesn't count. That said, guess what? You can just make a Menorah Ride page on the BikingPgh Wiki. Problem solved! Get to it! You've already got nine lights per rider? Seems popular enough to me! :p
2014-01-25 23:12:47
I've put stuff in wikis enough times, just don't want to get into any editorial back and forths. Of course, the whole premise of a wiki is that's not actually a problem. Just, some are more faithful to that original premise than others. Anyways, it's late. After some sleep.
2014-01-26 00:26:34
I wouldn't worry about a silly editorial thing. This is not Wikipedia.
2014-01-26 07:22:08
We haven't had any issues and I doubt we'll ever have much drama on the biking wiki. And yes, we love having more contributors! Perhaps we can just allow account creation with a captcha and see if that solves the problem, reddan? As an aside, I'm sorry I haven't done more work on the pages... I will get to it eventually...
2014-01-28 13:04:22
I think we tried Captcha for a while and that was when we had the spam attack. Somehow the spammers have a way around it.
2014-01-28 13:11:24
Ted wrote:As an aside, I’m sorry I haven’t done more work on the pages… I will get to it eventually…
I'm trying to not let updating become a task, but something that I do for fun when the passion strikes. I've been slacking, but I have other projects that are getting my attention at the moment. Will get back to the wiki, I don't think anyone expects it to be built in one night.
2014-01-28 15:55:31
And anyway, people already are finding it useful. Also, leaving things a little incomplete creates a way for others to find a way in.
2014-01-28 16:22:49
I think we tried Captcha for a while and that was when we had the spam attack. Somehow the spammers have a way around it.
Yeah. If you've ever seen ads for "make money online in your spare time", one of the schemes involves being paid to go around creating junk accounts and dumping link spam all over the place. CAPTCHA can't keep out real humans, kinda by design.
2014-01-28 17:31:35
reddan wrote:CAPTCHA can’t keep out real humans, kinda by design.
Probably not all of them but at least good part. :F
2014-01-28 20:06:28
I read that some porn sites have their clients do capchas in exchange for views. Used to be called a peep show; I guess these days it'd be crowd-sourcing.
2014-01-29 11:53:35
Hi, Dan wanted to shut down his server and some of the links weren't working anyway, so I moved the site to a new server. Please take a look and LMK if something seems broken. Otherwise Dan will turn off his site. For you who haven't heard about this: is a Wiki we set up to share general bike knowledge so that it sticks around, unlike posts on this message board. People post info of general interest to bicyclists in Pittsburgh. Everyone is welcome to contribute; just send me a private message to get an account, giving your username and real name.  
2018-01-14 17:43:16